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[Y] Colonel Aria Kingsly

Colonel Aria Kingsly

Played by Height
CreatedFeb23/14 09:55:44Weight
ModifiedFeb23/14 09:55:44Eyes
Western ZodiacSpeciesKomodo Dragon
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)
GenderfemaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur Texture
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[Y] History

Born human, Aria was taken by her father to a facility to do tests. The first thing he did was push her into the birth cannal of a feral, female Komodo dragon. There, an egg shell formed around her, the blood mixing with hers, altering her in many ways. In the days to come the female carried the new egg in her for six months, before laying it. Under the observation of her father and her original birth mother, Aria hatched into a bipedal Komodo Dragon. Her new mother loved her very much, as she did love the dragon. Her original mother also loved her but only when Kelly, the Komodo who rebirthed her wasn't around, Aria and her Mother could be together. Though Kelly didn't mind her father. Later on her father concluded the test was successful and they started to do this with more and more babies. Surprised that the acidicy had no effect in the womb on the babies, they had no worries.

Aria grew up in the facility with both her mothers close by. At age eighteen, she was the brightest girl in her class. Graduated with honors, top of her class. She then went off to college where she got her Masters degree in explosives, didn't know there was one, but I suppose there's a first for everything. She kept in touch with her friends right up to the point when she joined the army. There she became the best shot that the Army and Marines both put together have ever seen. After her AIT, Aria moved up in the ranks fast. And by fast never fooled around. When she reached the rank of Colonel, she settled down. Having faught in a few wars, she now is a trainer to train many young men and women like herself.

[Y] About

During her training, Aria picked up a lot of things. But now seeks to pick up another. She has a big heart and a big gun. No, she is not a herm. I mean a big gun, not cock. "Perverts." Anyway, she is here seeking someone who can tame her heart and show her a good time, in more ways than one.

A few ideas on how she looks:


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