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[Y] Kynes Daghdasson

Kynes Daghdasson

Played by Height7 1/2 (9 with Antlers)
CreatedNov26/13 10:49:09Weight
ModifiedDec21/13 14:21:00EyesBlue
Western ZodiacSpeciesIrish Deer
SexmaleFur Colour(s)
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationheterosexualFur Texture
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[Y] History

Kynes Daghdasson grew up an only child of a hard working family In a remote area of Washington. His mother worked as a waitress in a local diner, his father was, for lack of a more descriptive term, an outdoorsmen. They loved each other, but they never married. In fact they rarely ever even saw each other, unless his father had made his twice a year trip into town....Kynes didn't mind this though, both of his parent had loved him and had done their best to care for him.

 Kynes was lonely though, he spent every hour not in school or asleep at the diner. Coloring on their kids menues and talking with random customers when he was younger and later working in the kitchen when he was older. He loved the resturant like his own home and it instilled in him a deep passion for food. When he had reached 16 his father came into town and offered to take him into the forest with him for 6 months. Kynes readily agreed and while there gained an appreciate for the outdoors and plaid shirts.

 Jump ahead 10 years and Kynes had been to culinary school, become heavily addicted to coffee, and opened his own bakery in a beautiful area of a small city.He felt his life was nearly complete perfessionally, but lacked a social aspect...Enter the Tavern. 

[Y] About
'm an Irish Deer (or Elk, but deers are more...appealing) I'm big, 7 foot tall, not including the 2 1/2 feet of antler and the weight that comes with it, on top of that a massive set of antlers sit on my head. While they may be unwieldy, they do offer a far bit of constant shade. Kynes has short dun colored fur that gets thick and stiff around the shoulders and neck creating this almost mane like effect. Along his stomach and throat the dun color slowly gives way to a soft fur the color of cream
[Y] Relationships
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green