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[Y] James Clark

James Clark

Played by Height6'0"
CreatedMar8/14 18:27:28Weight225 lbs
ModifiedMar8/14 18:27:28EyesBlue
BirthdayMay11/91HairBlack shaved close to his head
Western ZodiactaurusSpeciesZebra
SexFur Colour(s)black and white stripes
GendermaleFur Patternstriped
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureShort and a bit rough but soft when wet
[Y] History
James' childhood was rather normal. Other than getting a bit lost in the system due to having a number of siblings his parents had to focus on. So James relied on himself for the most part and doesn't like to ask for help or seemingly bother people. Which means getting some things out of James is like extracting state secrets from spies. He's a big guy but kind hearted and almost the definition of gentle giant. Despite that he finds easy work as security for events.
[Y] Interests
James is a bit of an introvert and while he enjoys company for the most part sometimes he just needs time alone. Although getting him to get out of the house can be hard sometimes. He likes reading and video games and can talk about both at length at times.
[Y] Dislikes
Jerkish people in general. When people point out he says "eh" at the end of his questions. Fish.
[Y] About

James being as big as he is doesn't really go to the gym as much as people guess. He mostly just works out at home and has an unnatural metabolism and eats a lot but it doesn't reflect much on his weight. Which means he can't get as big as some guys in his line of work. James is pretty open with people and honest. Although he tends to try and not create problems by being a jerk. James doesn't like to talk about himself though or put his problems on other people.

After growing up with his parents always focusing on the younger or older siblings James appreciates what he has. Almost to a fault sometimes. This also makes him worry about losing the things he has which can get on other people's nerves. He is smart but it's not really book smart and James doesn't have much in the way of plans. He would just rather go with the flow. The one thing James doesn't talk openly about is sex although if he gets to know and trusts someone he will. When he gets in a relationship though James has some moments where he just can't get sex out of his system.

[Y] Relationships
He doesn't have anyone really important in his life beyond one or two close friends.
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green