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[Y] Caitlin Moon Wolfe

Caitlin Moon Wolfe

Played by Height5'6
CreatedOct10/13 18:38:50Weight100lbs
ModifiedOct10/13 18:38:50EyesAmber
BirthdayHairCrimson or White
Western ZodiacSpeciesNeko/Vampire
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Crimson
GenderfemaleFur PatternSolid
OrientationhomosexualFur TextureSoft
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[Y] History
Caitlin was born in a small farming village in Montenegro, She got her name Moon because she was born on a full moon. Both her parents were Inu’s and she was there only none Wolf child.
[Y] Interests
Drawing, Writing, and experimenting 
[Y] Dislikes
Rude people
[Y] About
She has piercings & Tattoos 1. Septum 2. Crescent Lobe Gages 3. Spider Bite 4. Tongue 5. Eye Brow She also has a pentagram on the back of both her hands. She loves dominant herms ;) 541 294 0908 text if you wanna rp ;)
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green