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[Y] Characters
[Y] Trace Mistborn {WIP}

Trace Mistborn {WIP}

Played by Height~5' 3"
CreatedOct15/13 19:58:50Weight150
ModifiedOct15/13 20:00:29EyesBrown
AgeNationalityN. Am
Western ZodiacSpeciesN. Am Sea Otter
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Black, Heather Grey
GenderfemaleFur PatternLarge black stripes on grey coat that runs down
OrientationbisexualFur TextureFuzzy dry, Slick wet
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[Y] History

Trace has recently moved into San Frappe, a costal metropoliton setting. She followed some clasmates from her suburbian hometown out to a small appartment building. Right now she's making do with a job at a grocery store, and has a small side board in clip art sales.

The coming out of her bisexuality didn't surprize many people, as she always was something of a werido that had rumors floating around. She kept to a male idenity for most of her teenage life, but took on subjects like cooking (D+) and drama (B). Her rumors came to a head in her Junior year  when she took on a genderfliped role in Highschool drama that read too closely to the orginal female character, at least in the opinions of certan students.

Her move came shortly after graduation, as did her transformation. It was slow, especialy as she was working out her worries of taking on her ideity. {WIP DRAFT}

She has a few sexual flings, mostly pickups from various meetups in the city. {WIP DRAF}

[Y] Interests
Rice and ready-made curry are the staple of her apartment, with periodical binges on junk food. She keeps her figure with walks to the beach, which is usually secluded because no one likes swimming in the cold water. She mainly reads non-fiction in the field of art criticism ad history. Subscribes to a cooking magazine, but rarely cooks anything from them... For good reason.
[Y] Dislikes

She hates having to feel like she's running away from home, despite the constrictions she had there. She hates her second thoughts, internal dialogues with imaginary representations of herself, and dark chocolate. 

But she really hates it when the people who she might call her enemies do really stupid things, such as having one of those "pray the gay away" meetings at her front door.

[Y] About

Trace's quiet disposition mellows her emotional expression. Usually she expresses her motions through different aspects of work or in her hobbies. Days she doesn't work or get out tend to strain this balance.  

Trace believes that she will never be entirely a girl; She didn't grow up with the same experiences and trials a girl went through. She currently has little interest in sex reassignment surgery, not feeling ready to commit to her current life situation.  Despite this, she feels a little better that she can express herself as a woman, both in public and private. In a contemporary  setting, she feels more at ease about her gender identity and sexuality. 

[Y] Relationships
None Present. Though she has had flings in the past, read her as a new comer to the city.
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