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[Y] Kayla_the_Halfbreed


Played by Height4ft6
CreatedAug10/13 08:34:07Weight120lb (Yes she has a slightly chubby look to her)
ModifiedAug10/13 08:34:07EyesDeep blue catlike
BirthdayAug6/95HairFlowing pink hair, usually in a ponytail
Western ZodiacleoSpeciesHybrid Cat/Reptile
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Pink fur
GenderfemaleFur Patternwhite belly with white socks
OrientationPansexualFur TextureSoft fluffy fur with silky scales on her thighs down to her calves
[Y] History
Kayla is the offpring of a poor couple whose life was dependant of drugs and alcohol abuse. Her father a big black tom cat, her mother of reptilliant background. Kayla was'nt too sure of specifics as she lived in constant fear of her parents abusive behaviour, They would beat and huilate her whenever they had a bad day or even if they were just bored. Eventually after they spent an entire week abusing and humilating taking it further then before by touching and exposing her infront of cameras to sell on the internet, she ran away aged only 12. Since then she has wanderd through the cold city streets in nothing but stolen clothes and rags, surviving on food she finds, steals or is lucky enough to buy when people give her money, unfortunatly due to her appearance not many people are very generous and treat her like they would vermin or pests. 
[Y] Interests
Warmth, "Normal people's" habits and lives, good food and trying to make herself look nice.
[Y] Dislikes
Her life.being hungry, many things.
[Y] About
Kayla is a shy, filthy homeless girl, just trying to survive, as such she hasn't had much of an education, and hasn't spoken to anyone in a very long time.. Her reproductive system is a cross between both her mother and fathers, she takes her mammalian vagina (Which she uses to urinate)and breasts from her fathers side, but her anus is actually a cloaca which she passes her other waste from, but also is possible for her to lay eggs via. Her lower legs and forearms both turn into soft scales as they lead to her clawed paws, a mix of the two species, and her tail is long and pointed like a reptile but furry except her underside.
[Y] Fetishes
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green