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[Y] Zero


Played by Height5'4"
CreatedDec8/08 20:42:35Weight95
ModifiedAug25/09 10:24:06EyesGreen
BirthdayMay6/87HairLong Auburn
Western ZodiactaurusSpeciesCat
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)The majority of her fur is white, leaving only her hands and feet covered in white fur. She also has a white fur birth mark on her left hip
GenderfemaleFur PatternSoft Milanese
OrientationbisexualFur TextureShort
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[Y] History

Zero, being the misfit she is has come from a troubled past that lends itself heavily to the chip on her shoulder. 

Though it was not always so. She had a family once, a mother and a father. That was all before the war.  As many are in war zones Zero became a War Orphan - her parents bombed and killed.  Though she was nearly 10, such was the damage to her mind due to the shock of waking admist her parents dismembered and scattered, that she remembered nothing of that truamatic incident, instead believing she simply eloped from home.

She eventually made her way through the orphanage system, never really fitting in, always running away - a clear sign of a trouble maker.  The goverment paid its dues and sent her on her way into the world at 18.  And for it, Zero abided the decision happily; as though it had not come a moment too soon.  Zero has slowly but surely hopped from one city to another, traveling by her grace and luck, it would seem; from one town to the next. 

[Y] Interests

New and exciting people!

Creative solutions to old problems.


[Y] Dislikes
Stagnation. Unoriginality. Standing still in once place to long.  Adcanced
[Y] About

It is said that every world is a paradise. But not even Paradise last forever. As with the very first, and so to the very last. 

 Paradise, is, however a place between one world and the next. As a world dies, it gives way to a new Paradise.  The door to which, can only be opened by those who are worthy, those with purpose.  

Every door needs a key.....

[Y] Relationships
Matt is very kind... Fara is a sweetheart. Kitten has been nothing but nice. Neko too. Everyone seems so kind, how could I not make good friends!
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green