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[Y] Characters
[Y] Kaito Xaisuti

Kaito Xaisuti

Played by Height4'5
CreatedApr14/13 18:14:26Weight130 lbs
ModifiedApr14/13 18:14:26EyesCrimson
Western ZodiacSpeciesLucario
SexmaleFur Colour(s) milk White, ash black
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur Texture
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[Y] History
Planet Nova a cold dark world. That has unfortunately been over run by evil. The few that are still fighting to stay alive. Live in a huge fortress protected by the gods. This holy place wards off all evil. The power however that protects the lands is not limitless. A select few gifted with the Gods holy light are given the power to go outside the protected fortress and do battle with the unholy monsters that now litter the world. They're to find the 7 unholy guardians and end them. To weaken the dark foes. With the 7 unholy guardians dead. They can bring their full force down onto the source of the great evil and hopefully bring balance back to the world. Putting light back on top and allowing the world to heal and return to its once glory. The 7 unholy guardians however are not a walk in the park. They also go by another name the 7 Deadly Sins. Each named after their own sin Pride, Avarice, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth. They're the strongest of their evil brethren, but before any of the Holy knights that fight with the Gods bless can even get the chance of meeting any of these sins. They must first fight their way through the evils between the fortress and to where each of these monsters lay in wait. The Knights that have been picked by the Gods ready themselves for the hate outside the protection of their homes walls. 7 Holy Knights to fight 7 deadly sins. While the new Knights step out ready and proud. The kingdom waits hoping and prying that this time that these Knight will be the ones to brake the endless cycle of death. However everything wasn't as grim as it seemed. Unknown to the world a single city protected by a ancient spell was alive and living as if the world never went to hell. A city built the sky high above the clouds too cold for the devilish monsters to fly. With a magic barrier keeping the air full and the city warm. Allowing for weather to change with in making rain and snow. Summer and fall. The people of this vast safe village lived peacefully without worry and among the city people lived Kaito. A Lucario rare in color kept strong yet small. His species were kept as pets and always made to look cute dressed in cute clothing. Some were even taught how to fight and were entered in the yearly festivals for the strongest Lucarios. Unlike the pass Luacrios these new gen lost the connection with the world as it slowly died. The power to since auras weakens greatly losing the power to form energy balls, but with the lost of one power the gain in another gaining the power to read others auras and were also used to find ones love. There were Other species of animals that where alive most kept for food or other sorts of pets, but the most common pets were Lucarios. Kaito born in a middle class family in the city was kept as a pet. His fur white like the clouds in the sky. He was very popular when growing up as it is rare to see a different colored Lucarios and because of all the tender affection he received when he was young he grew to be sweet, loving, and innocent. In human years he would be 18 years old. He often spends his days laying on the grass at a park in the center of the large city. Resting his eyes in the warm sunlight that shined off his soft plush fur.
[Y] Interests
Hugs, cuddling, sweets, ramen, being petted, Sleeping on the grass in the worm sunlight, friendly people.
[Y] Dislikes
People that are mean, hateful, spiteful, liars. Too much salt on food, the taste of beer and the smell of cigarettes. People who don't wash their hands before touching his fur.
[Y] About
Nude always the part of his fur that is blue is white and the part that is gray is Ash black
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green