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[Y] Characters
[Y] Candice "Flit" Young

Candice "Flit" Young

Played by Height1.7 meters
CreatedMay31/13 16:40:08Weight90 kilograms
ModifiedMay31/13 16:40:08EyesGreen
Western ZodiacSpeciesPengdra (penguin/dragon hybrid)
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Deep blue feathers with white belly scales
GenderfemaleFur PatternPenguin!
OrientationFind out. :PFur TextureSmooth feathers
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[Y] History

Like Zeus (and, for that matter, so many other gods), dragons like to put their go-betweens in places they don't belong. In Flit's case, the dragon in question put it in her mother. Her mother didn't know this until laying an abnormally large egg. The resulting hatching period spit out a slightly larger chick, feathers of blue and belly of scales.

"Flit", as she likes to be called, revels in her uniqueness. Taking her resistance to the cold from her old man (she assumes he's old. After all, dragon), she likes to flaunt her unique look and heritage. Of course, that's ALL that she'll flaunt; personality may vary.

[Y] About

Because why the hell not? I've seen dragon/wolves, dragon/foxes, dragon/mice, dragon/wolf/slug/taurs...

No dragon/penguins. SO HA!

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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green