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[Y] Characters
[Y] Ink


Played by Height5'11"
CreatedApr14/13 15:19:02Weight150
ModifiedMay25/13 14:42:42EyesDark blue
Western ZodiacariesSpeciesArctic fox
SexmaleFur Colour(s)White and grey
GendermaleFur Patternsolid with a faded grey tail tip
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft
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[Y] History

Ink was just a normal kid with a slight problem in making friends. He couldn't make any friends, or if he did they werent any good. So, he turned to mechanics and technology to make something of himself, teaching himself to be self-sufficient from an early age on. But on top of technology, he would always favor the physical arts. Pencil sketching was his favorite for a while before he began to draw in ink only.

When Ink would draw, he would often accidently smudge the ink slightly, or the way he would draw would get ink all over his paws, giving him the nickname Ink and it stuck with him ever since.


[Y] Interests
Ink is very tech-saavy when it comes to computers.He likes to play with basic HTML coding and physical mods for his desktop.

His interests in technology dont just stop at computers. It branches out to clock-work type technology like mechanics, anything with gears and mechanisms, but his favorite thing to take apart are old watches.

Ink also loves to draw and write. He's no storry writer, but he loves to do caligraphy and will often incorporate it in many of his drawings. He draws primarily in different colors of ink, he is in the middle of learning how to use oil paints.
[Y] About
In his off time, He likes to take things apart like watches, clocks, computers, etc. anything mechanically to sum it up really. He has a very layed-back attitude but he can be very hard-headed and competitive if the time comes. He can be found reading in a corner with a drink on the table, or sitting at the bar looking around and people-watching. His favorite thing to do though is to draw in the small notepad he usually has on his body, or a napkin from the table he is usually sits at. He doesn't like starting conversations but he has no problem speaking if he is approached.

If a problem arises, Ink usually gets into the middle of it and solves it one way or another. Usually with brute force. He doesn't like to put up with any bullshit.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green