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[Y] Ice Blaze

Ice Blaze

Played by Height
CreatedMay28/13 07:03:10Weight
ModifiedMay28/13 07:08:38EyesIce Blue
BirthdayHairtwo-toned: ice blue and blue with a neon glow
Western ZodiacSpeciesPegasus
SexFur Colour(s)glacier water blue
GendermaleFur Patternpony fur
OrientationbisexualFur Texturepony fur
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[Y] History

read my story to find out: http://spyro01.deviantart.com/

what i look like: http://spyro01.deviantart.com/art/Anthro-Ice-Blaze-373742807

my cutie mark: my cutie mark: http://spyro01.deviantart.com/art/Ice-Blaze-s-Cutie-Mark-372554509

Species: Pony

Race: Pegasus

Allegiance: Full Fledged Shadowbolt

Age: 21

Sex: Male

Sexuality: bi

Eye color: ice blue

Mane and tail color: two-toned: blue and ice blue mix, with a neon glow to it

Fur color: glacier water blue

Body type: well-built and muscular, the glacier water blue pegasus stallion found out at a very young age that his body was always ice cold, no matter how hot it was outside or in the shower.

Abilities: found out that he can manipulate water and ice to a certain degree, and after training himself after his parents died, he can now control ice and water at will without the penalties of incapacitating himself.

Unique traits: like spitfire, he is an elemental pony, being the second pony to ever walk Equestria with the ability to control a certain element, his being ice/water.

Cutie mark: my cutie mark is a ball of ice fire connected by black veins that make the fire look like it's coming out of my flanks, and on occasion will also glow depending mainly upon my mood, or if i'm using any of my abilities.

Personality: Calm and collected, but is VERY easily pissed off due to a short temper. Rebellious as well, hates taking orders from people and often disregards them fora more favorable solution of his own. A bit arrogant at times as well, as well as being quite blunt with his opinion, due to not giving a fuck what anyone thinks. Is also ruthless, being able to do whatever the fuck it takes to get the job done, if not the first in, then I'm the last out and I make sure shit's done right.

Background: Orphaned at a young age, Ice Blaze, had to fend for himself while growing up. Learning how to fly at the age of three and how to fight shortly afterwords, Ice Blaze was constantly picked on during his childhood, giving him a bit of a bad attitude towards others. Having been granted into the Wonderbolt Academy at the age of twelve after a Wonderbolt Scout saw him flying. About a year after being in the Academy, Ice Blaze was kicked out for being too arrogant and not wanting to listen to his superiors, thinking he was better than them in every way, including flying due to being able to hold his own and out pace the Wonderbolt Alpha team on a good and bad day, unaware that Nightshade, the leader of the Shadowbolts was watching the whole time. About six months later, Nightshade approached Ice Blaze with an offer to join the Shadowbolts, Ice Blaze naturally accepted, feeling he would benefit more from being with the Shadowbolts then the Wonderbolts. Now, Ice Blaze is Nightshade's Second-in-Command. 

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