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[Y] Azuma No Rōn

Azuma No Rōn

Played by Height6'0
CreatedDec6/13 06:17:42Weight130 lbs
ModifiedDec6/13 06:17:42EyesSharp piercing green
BirthdayHairLong black, tied and laying along one of his shoulders
Western ZodiacSpeciesFennec fox
SexmaleFur Colour(s)White
GendermaleFur PatternOne color
OrientationbisexualFur TextureNot too soft or too rough
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[Y] History
Far in the east of the Atlantic ocean lies a large island inhabited by a ruling faction known as the Foxes Of The East, they're a royal body made up of the Ron family and Runo Family, two family of foxes, The Ron family are a sword wielding, tradition following order of fennec foxes raised under a lord and a lady down to several branches, the rival Runo family are a scientific and tech driven family of red foxes down smililar branchs only ruled by a lord, each family bore a deep un-wavering hatred for each other and have for thousands of years with each generation's ruler going to war with the other for parts of the island, parts have been lost and gained and lost again regarding both families but now growing tired of the wars plaguing the lands, the rulers of this Era have came to a treaty of peace for the island, instructing their people to go out and see the world, expand the knowledge of the familes and find new lands, its now that the second son of the head of the Ron family is born, Azuma No Rōn as he would be known to the world grew up in a pampered life style tho he never embraced it, he was rich beyond measure yet always worked to get what he needed, he was trained in the way of the sword like most of the ron family that remained on the island, he spent most of his childhood in a courtyard training or in wars or raids for the honor of his family, upon his 18th birthday he was granted the freedom to go and do as he saw fit, he bidding his family farewell decided to travel and see the world, he traveled all over til the age of 21 and now he is looking for a different goal having seen enough of the world, tho it seems his life has been blurred as he cannot figure out what it is he wants to do with his life, he could always go home and challenge his brother for the title of lord but he'd rather be out in the world, he could always go back to war but conflict isn't something he starts, perhaps its here in this city that he'll find what it is he's looking for, of course being well off he lives very well for someone his age and it seems to attract the worst kinds of people.
[Y] Interests
Azuma as he's just being called, likes to travel, he loves seeing how the world changes with a simple passage of time, he loves to discover new people and new ways of life, see and find out how different people live, he enjoys the smaller things too, good company, laughter with friends or family, he's not much of a drinker tho he may if pressured into, he enjoys the presence of both female and males not minding either's company, he likes to enjoy the night's cold and the morning's warmth, well most of the time, he enjoys fighting with the sword, tho! He will not strike without probable reason, anything else he likes is obvious or you could just strike up a conversation with him 
[Y] Dislikes
War, famine, the poor and unloved, he does not hate these people but more the fact that they are what they are because the governments cannot help it, he cannot and will not stand idly by and allow bullying, hatred toward another or insulting of ones way of life, he cannot fathom the reason people would lower themselves to be "pets" or "Slaves." but he will not rant about such things, he doesn't like hard drinks or dark booze, drunks or high furs stay clear of him, you'll live longer, anyone wanting to exploit no matter the gender and just about anything else a normal sane person would dislike THO he has a very high tolerance for stupid and mistakes.
[Y] About
He's a tall, slender toned built white fennec fox with long black hair, tied down his left shoulder and draped over his left eye, he carries a sword at his back around waist height and won't think twice to test its sharpness on you, he's quick, agile and smart, don't try something stupid with this one, he's quick to defuse a fight tho so no worries but push him too far and he just might snap, maybe, he wears white a button up shirt, a leather vest dotted with cuts and burn marks also bearing the seal of his family on the back, black jeans and a pair of combat boots, his sword is black handle and sheath, standard straight one-sided blade that's kept nice and sharp, he also carries a dagger on his boot just in-case and he's more then capable of rendering you immobile with just the dagger alone, he's quiet, collected, and a tad none talkative, he opens up after a bit and once he does he's the nicest guy you'll meet to an extent. also he wears a band around his tail from his time in war and has grown to the feeling of wearing it.
[Y] Relationships
None besides siblings
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green