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[Y] Lillith


Played by Height
CreatedJan11/09 16:59:02Weight
ModifiedNov12/09 18:20:08EyesGreen
BirthdayHairRusset red
Western ZodiacSpeciesWereWolf
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Brown and dusty tan
GenderfemaleFur PatternBrown with tan underbelly and light flicks
OrientationbisexualFur TextureLong and thick
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[Y] History

Lillith's earliest memories are of a cage.

For the first years of her life she was kept in captivity, as a human and a wolf, never spoken to or treated with any thing other than contempt. Fed once a week on raw meat and beaten twice as often.

The order which held her prisoner hated anything they believed to hold a darker nature.

Eventually, she was freed by a passing adventurer, a man armoured as a knight who refused to give her a name. Slaying the order keepers and freeing their charges with an enchanted blade.

She travelled with the Knight who she referred to as the fallen curse. He in turn nursed her back to health and taught her much about philosophy, history and honour. From their travels she also learned of war and battle, there was plenty of both to be had.

[Y] Interests

Fun personalities and lively people.

She loves to be outside and hates confinemeant

[Y] Dislikes
Religion, she hates all faiths after her upbringing
[Y] About

After parting ways with Fallen curse, she traveled the land at random helping where she could but mostly for fun, she figured the world owed her that.

Her Lycanthropy allows her to change at will betwean the form of a human, a wolf and an anthro.

Not heavily built, she relies on her speed and her mind to keep going

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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green