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[Y] Hell Badger

Hell Badger

Played by Height7' 2"
CreatedJun6/13 18:07:24Weight190
ModifiedJun6/13 18:08:37EyesRed
Western ZodiacSpeciesDemon Eurasian Badger
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Black, White, Red, Grey
GendermaleFur PatternStandard Eurasian Badger Markings + red stripes
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureSilk Smooth but pleasantly hot to the touch
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[Y] History
Hell Badger is the creature I wish I was. The name is my nickname at the time I descovered furry (the tender age of 13!) It's stuck and not to mention my love for all things badger. Love the little buggers.
[Y] Interests
An easy going type, takes delight in the strange and extraordinary. He's seen it all before and is very placid until you get him worked up, then all hell can break loose. Nice people are always guaranteed the best times with him. Genuine, honest, funny people... those are the kind of people that tickle his fancy as it were! 
[Y] Dislikes
Spiteful, narcissistic, intolerant behavior. Annoying types who keep pressing their views and oppinions on others relentlessly. Disrespect and a lack of manners will result in a short, curt answer and no more.
[Y] About
He's very, VERY old. He can shape shift and frankly has no time for fools. He stands at 7' 2" tall so as to remain roughly in proportion. The only problem with shape shifting is your mass has to go somewhere! He's a helpful and kind person, hospitable and friendly. Be nice and you can share the riches.
[Y] Relationships
None. Having lived for such a long time and with no end in sight, the prospect of a marriage or similar is out of the question. Still hasn't stopped the love in the past though, so who knows...
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green