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[Y] Grimoire Flayza

Grimoire Flayza

Played by Heightadjustable
CreatedSep14/13 19:19:59Weightadjustable
ModifiedSep14/13 19:29:04Eyesbright neon green
BirthdayHairsilky dark black
Western ZodiacSpeciesShifter
SexandrogynousFur Colour(s)adjustable
GenderandrogynousFur Patternadjustable
OrientationpansexualFur Textureadjustable
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[Y] History

Grimoire started out as a human during the time of Cesare Borgia attempting to over take Roma, originally was male and homosexual, he had met Alessandro, an assassin allied against Cesare and his horde, they then eloped to the new country, was rather young when he joined Alessandro's coven of assassins shortly after Cesare had been thwarted, after a few years he and Alessandro were chosen as envoy's to the new world across the seas, whilst over there Grimoire had come across the need to provide Alessandro with an Heir, so he appealed to the natives who pointed him in the direction of a deep cave where a deity was said to reside, he prayed to said deity and shortly after was gifted with the ability to shift genders and appearances at will, only one pregnancy, and timelessness, in other words Grimoire cannot age but can still be killed by conventional means. after a few years Grimoire had been stuck in female form for the newborn heir to Alessandro who had died not three years after the birth of his son who was a cripple, Grimoire raised Alejandro herself, switching between forms every once in a while to help protect him, once time got the better of Grimoire she tried to move on, getting more affiliated with her female form than anything she lasted till the present so far and found out about the furry fandom, enjoying how that was she decided to try out a form of her own, designing it to her specific nature which shifted every one in a while with everything she found about the fandom, soon after finding that real anthro's existed without her knowing, she's been exploring the world trying to find some of them and get to know them

 ((yes Grimoire was designed around the Assassins Creed series)) 

[Y] Interests
Grimoire is always up for trying something new with anything or anyone for that matter, rather promiscuous and can be quite flirtatious when it comes to anyone, as stated above is pan-sexual so will flirt with anyone, is usually outgoing and fun loving, and is quick to adapt to any situations, enjoys meeting new people and learning as much about them as she can
[Y] Dislikes
hardly has any but hates seeing weak people being bullied or beaten, dislikes anyone who lies for self gain, mostly just the dislikes you expect from an honorable and chivalrous person
[Y] About
mostly covered already
[Y] Relationships
none anymore, all have died over time's sweet embrace
[Y] Fetishes
    Post Comment
    Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
    Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
    Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
    Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
    Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green