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[Y] Characters
[Y] Akraix


Played by Height6,3
CreatedMay18/13 22:25:36Weight163
ModifiedMay26/13 16:47:24EyesBlue
Western ZodiacpiscesSpeciesOrange fox
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Orange
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur TextureThick
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] Interests
Being snuggled with. :3
[Y] About
He was a continue of family of his father and mother who were killed. Somehow she gave birth to the male while dead, and found in the alley.To the point he was found by a large black and white spotted male pit bull.. The dog taking him home to meet his family and getting the chance to raise the fox pup. Raised by pit bulls, he's been very aggressive and quiet. He loves having attention and being dominant. H had a good relationship with his dad and with his sisters who he protected from the horn dogs in school. Seeing now he was not of their family. He made sure that he was the onto take care of their "Heat". After he turned 18 and moved with his "brothers and sisters" out of the house and into new apartments and houses to start families and lives. He did exactly what he wanted to do his whole live. He moved into the army. Fighting in the American war, in Afghanistan. He took a bullet from a sniper to the shoulder. The male was lucky when having His Assault Rifle over his shoulder while walking. The weapon when hit, snapped and slowed the bullet enough to just penetrate him, not go through and cause harsh damage. He got his Purple Heart and left the army. Unable to fully use his arm well enough to be back in placement. So now he shoots guns in the woods. Hunts. And lives alone.. Waiting for someone amazing to come into his life so he can share his stories with.. And soon settle down.. Maybe have pups of his own.
[Y] Relationships
Akraix is a loving passionate male. He'd die first for his wife and children. If he sees something unappealing to him against his family. He will act first and ask second. He loves children. And he loves marriage. He wants someone to be with, someone to love and care for. He's the real family man.
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