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[Y] Characters
[Y] Levixira


Played by Height4'1"
CreatedSep12/09 03:17:02Weight74 lbs
ModifiedApr20/10 15:37:40EyesBlack with blood-red flecks
BirthdayFeb14/79HairFew inches below the hips, straight, black with red streaks
Western ZodiacaquariusSpeciesKitsune
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Pure black
GenderfemaleFur PatternFlawlessly unpatterned
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft as down feathers
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[Y] History

She doesn't much like talking about her past.  She's a tribeless Abyssal, with no place to call home.  As one person put it, no matter where she went, trouble followed like a dark cloud.  She started out in Australia, lived in Africa for awhile, explored the middle east, traveled through Europe, scraped through India, found out the hard way that Russia was bad news, somehow managed to survive China, barely escaped with her life in Japan, learned that island hopping in the pacific isn't for everyone, and discovered that just because a country has many different cultures in it doesn't make it all that much more tolerant in the United States. She originally had four tails, but in Georgia she had been raped and tortured at what was supposed to be a safehouse.  One tail was sliced off with an axe afterward, ordered by the leader of the supposed safehouse.  Yeah, things haven't been easy on her.

 Only once did she find a friend, back in Africa.  More than a friend, really.  He had fought for her, protected her, changed for her.  He himself had put it best once when another male showed interest in her:

 ""You don't even carry a sword? And you honestly think Lexi...?" He laughed bitterly. "I used to be like you. I hated to fight." He struck the regulated strikes at a thick tree, his sword in it's sheathe. "But then... I met Her." Another hard strike. "And my life, changed completely." Again and again he struck. "Everywhere she went." The ringing of steel calmed his nerves. "Danger, death, always followed... Like a black cloud and I learned quick to fight so she didn't have too as much." He drew the blade and sliced through the trunk. "Nearly killed me more times than I can count. But she's worth it.""

He was fighting for a cause though.  A cause far greater than she, and she feared that the black cloud that always seemed to follow her around was making his life that much more difficult.  So early one morning, without so much as a goodbye in fear he would talk her out of it, she left.  She had been traveling ever since.

[Y] Interests
She always has her ears tuned in to any mention of souls.  After all, being an Abyssal, she needs souls to feed her magic, and since she's clanless, she can't simply go from battlefield to battlefield as many tend to do.  Despite her small stature, she's a strong little kitsune, and loves a good fight and being roughed up a bit.  She has a secret love of romance novels, though would die before ever admitting to it, and enjoys drinking Malibu.  If the right person introduced it to her, she might enjoy bondage.  And being whipped, or flogged, or belted, or other such lovely things, but no one's ever done it to her before, so she doesn't know yet.  If nothing else though, she enjoys cuddles.  And snuggles.  And hot cocoa or tea in front of a warm fire.  Or a really good fight.
[Y] Dislikes
Being called Levi.  She's been compared to the denim pants too many times in the past, so much prefers either Lexi or even Vixy over Levi.  In fact, she much prefers Lexi or Vixy over her actual birth name.  The first part isn't even pronounced like the jeans brand, but like "Leh-vee".  And yeah, prejudist people, racism, trolls, people who try getting attention by bitching about no one giving them attention, etc. 
[Y] About

She's a three-tailed Abyssal kitsune who normally dresses in short khaki or black or white shorts, her time in Africa making anything more feel too restrictive and uncomfortable.  Her body is well toned beneath her fur and very fit.  Also beneath her fur is an intricate latice work of scars she had gained over the years, a testimony to the hard life she's lived.  She tends to wear a brown, red, or black tank top, which clings to her breasts, though only a C cup ("only" being used relatively since most femmes here seem to be DDD or H or something insane like that), look quite impressive on her small frame.  She looks like she's nearly drowning in the fur-lined leather jacket she's wearing that goes down to just below her knees, but it's hard for her to find such things in her size that aren't kiddy clothes and was a gift from someone special. :P

Now that looks are out of the way....  She is a kitsune with a surprisingly bubbly disposition.  Although she never really tells anyone about herself and keeps her heart reserved, it's hard to tell as much with how trusting she seems.  She often has a smile on her face, except for the times when she's so starved for souls that it feels like her own body is turning on her.  Though she loves to fight and spar, and isn't half bad with a sword, she hates killing, and has only killed once in defense of the very friend who strove to protect her.

She does like to turn to her feral form from time to time.  Life is good as a small black fox.  She tends to get really playful though, and once she pounces on someone, she hangs on for dear life.  Ila had the best description for her:  (21:56:17) (Ila/Rene): She growled and turned her head, trying to nip and bite a little at the smaller Fox as she continued to try and buck her off of her back, swearing she was trying to fight a damn flea!
(21:59:50) (Levixira): The small black fox yipped and clinged all the more, legs wrapping as much around the larger fox as they could get.  She felt like one of those cowboys in the old west trying to tame a wild horse.  She squeezed her eyes shut and hung on for the ride.
(22:02:08) (Ila/Rene): (Feral fight, silly thing is trying to hang onto me!) She growls and keeps nipping and biting at the smaller Fox on her back, beginning to twist and turn herself in a tight circle as she wanted this damn blackened fur flea off of her back NOW! "Get off!" she demands, blinking when she was hoisted into the air. "Oh come on..."   

So now she's a fur flea o.O

And, miracle of miracles, she had pounced the tail of a certain blue vixen in the cafe and almost instantly they got along like peanut butter and bananas. Or like string cheese and barbeque sauce!

[Y] Relationships

Nope, none, nada, zero, fuck no, hell to the fuck to the no, niet, nyu-uh, not in your wildest dreams, not happening, you're barking up the wrong tree bucko, and did I mention no?  Not after what she'd gone through.  It'd take someone super special to make it on here, and she has yet to meet them. 

Edit: Turns out she finally found someone just that special.
Jen- Lexi's owner (when Leix's in feral form) and mother (when Lexi's in anthro form).  Lexi also acts like a guard kit sometimes for the girl sweet enough to adopt her.  Okay, more than sometimes.  Most times.  All times.  Try hurting Jen and you might find yourself trapped in the shadow realm for several days before being dumped somewhere in Antartica.  Or maybe the Sahara.  Depends on her mood.

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