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[Y] Ojo De Dios (Eye of god or Gods eye)

Ojo De Dios (Eye of god or Gods eye)

Played by Height
CreatedOct15/09 06:28:43Weight
ModifiedOct15/09 06:57:37Eyes
Western ZodiacSpecies
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[Y] History

*a lone canine stands upon a stage, thousands around him in the abandoned colosseum as he raises his arms for silence. The crowd, once yelling and cheering just upon the sight of there leader, grows quiet. The canine, a labrador, has two others with him on stage. On his left, a doberman pincher dressed in white cerimonial robes. On his right, a German Shepard dressed in not robes but in what looks to be enough armor to cover two humvees. The Labrador, his body adorn with gold and silver as he lets his hands fall slowly to his sides. He speaks, his voice booming as he speaks* "Family! Followers! The wise! The weak! Lend me your attention as I give to you the promise of a bright future!" *his speech goes on, tales of milk and honey pouring out of him as the crowd looks in awe and reverency. The one to his left, doesn't look to the speaker as he gazes upon the crowd, greed in his eyes. The one to the right of the speaker, looking proudly to the orator as he lifts his head up high. The speaker continues* "It is now time..." *his voice going low* "The highest has given me a vision of what is to happen....and it is war.....war with the unpure....the mixed and unclean.....the ones who seek to call our god fake, unreal, and fantasy!" *he spat out the words as if they left a taste on his tongue that was disgusting* "We have been called upon for duty, our duty is war. War with the land, as it decays we must rejuvinate it. War with the sky, as it blackens we will brighten it. War with the people, as they rise up to strike us down. They will be thrown down, and the hand of the highest will fall upon them!" *the scene changes to the outside of the colosseum, the city is in chaos as the soldiers that weren't listening to the speech were taking over the city. The horizon filled with the glow of fire, occasionally a glimmer of light would shine forth followed by the resounding boom of an explosion. They had taken the city as there's. And the ones that didn't match with there standards, comply with there demans, or just didn't suit there needs were given two options. Work or death. Either one ended in the same result, whether from a bullet to the head or the heart giving out* "This is the time, and the time is ours to command. Ours to control! Ours to give, and to take as well! This...." *he stops, turning his back to the crowd as he raises his paws to the air again, his fingers splayed out as he closes his eyes* "..is the time that the sight of god comes, to judge the unworthy and give us victory!!!" *he yells, his hands curling into fists as the one that stood to his right, pumps his fist into the air as he yells a battle cry out to the crowd* "OUR TIME!!!" *the crowd follows, there loud retort resounding even outside the building as the whole city seems to be chanting the battle cry*

[Y] Interests
In the creation of a pure race, and elimnation of mixed breeds. The goal of pure enlightenment, and dominance.
[Y] Dislikes
Mixed breeds. Ones who stand against them. (The Unseen being the biggest)
[Y] About

The Leader (also known as the "Window of God") : personifcation of Carisma and poise. He started the cult in order to bring an end to the ignorance and dilution of greater breeds. He doesn't seem to have any other skills then being able to swoon the masses.


The ArchBishop General: German Shepard. Leader of the armies of Ojo. His history suddenly changed from being a high ranking general under the armies of russia. Not much is known about him. Is considerd to be a high level threat.


The Savior: Doberman Pincher. He appears to be another leaderhead in the group, but he is actually a scientist who secretly leads the who orginazation. With his leadership, the organization rised from the ground, reaching heights that would forever be noted in history. His knowlege in genetics and chemistry are to be seriously noted. In a conflict with SADAR, it was shown that some of the mercs that where highered showed hightened phisical strenght, speed, with a lack of reguard for saftey as they rushed the much better trained and better armored troops. Information suggests that he might have gone as far to change his own genetics. He is considered as dangerous as the ArchBishop.

 The Wealth (This title was self appointed) :Weasle. He is the one that monitors the orginazations money, expences, and trade.With his knowlege they have gone from nothing to having a gross national product comparable to small countries. 

 The Voice: Golden Labrador. He speaks to the masses when the Leader is busy, sick, or unable to speak at the moment. He doesn't have the same ablilty to speak as the leader, mostly writing his own speeches instead of speaking it from memory. But he is considered important enough to be noted. 

The Sickness: Iguana. He was given promotion when the Savior chose him from the masses. He isn't much of a fighter, but his abiltys make up for it. After having weeks of treatments, he now is immune to all aliments that afflict most people. And with concentration, he can spew forth his own concoction of carsionogenic bile from his body. He has to wear a breathing mask when talking to others, lest his breath which has acidic properties can poison them. He is the commanding leader, just under the Archbishop and Savior, of the masses. He is often seen with the Leader's replacement orator, the voice. 

The Dagger: Jackal. Information suggests that this man is the orginazation's leader in covert ops and assassination expert. With the apparent coups reportedly started by him,he is considered a mid to high level threat.


More information will be devulged as it comes along. 




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