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[Y] Löwe


Played by Height194 cm, 6'3.6 feet
CreatedJan21/13 12:45:33Weight131 kg, 288 lbs
ModifiedJan21/13 13:00:30EyesBlue
BirthdayHairDark brown
Western ZodiacSpeciesLeo
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Dark brown, light brown
GendermaleFur PatternLighter on the chest and belly
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureRough, smooth on the chest and belly
[Y] History

Born in the late Middle Ages just before the rise of Renaissance in Prussia, somewhere around where the city of Hamburg now stands. The fourth, and youngest son to the proud Rechten family, a family of little power and influence, something that even a little bit at that time meant a lot. True to the family line, Löwe began training to be knighted early in his life, often however he felt overshadowed by his elder brothers who seemed to always be a few steps ahead of him, especially his older brother whom was already knighted years ago.

Löwe became a squire to a knight; an obnoxious drunk at the time, in the past a shining example to any young man. Torn by the fact that no one is spared of old age despite the spirit being willing to continue fighting in the battlefield, Löwe's knight had reduced himself to a self-pitiful existence of denial, refusing to quit. The knight still attended tournaments with very poor success as his old body no longer could keep up with the younger, more energetic knights, often making him the laughing stock of the peasants and nobles alike. Still, Löwe was faithful to the knight, often defending his honor quite formidably should the need arise. This became particularly obvious when a group of misfit bandits decided to rob the poor knight, Löwe killing each and every one of them. Perhaps Löwe made the knight eventually realize that his time had long gone past him, and he should accept it. The knight declared that Löwe no longer was a mere squire, but a knight, which Löwe was overjoyed to finally accomplish. Later that week, the old knight had drank himself to death.

Löwe proved to be quite an effective knight on the battlefield, his Zweihänder casting fear upon many a foe, leaving some of the higher ranked, more experienced knights in shame. Soon no one made fun of Löwe's quite big and thick looks. Still, Löwe was a civil man, never drank too much ale, treated peasants and superiors alike with honor, and even donated some of his tournament winnings to his home village. 

Löwe became interested in a rich merchant family's daughter, and soon the two were a public couple despite Löwe seemingly losing his endless courage when he wanted to propose her. Sadly, she had her secrets, and soon the local Duke found out she had a part in a cult specialized in witchcraft. While this was true, it was simply a circle of open minded individuals seeking alternative ways to cure the sick, it was a taboo and Löwe's darling faced the guillotine. Not accepting this, Löwe went on against everything he had fought to acquire, Löwe attacked her executioners and the other knights in a vain attempt to save her. He was imprisoned, awaiting his own execution while his lovers head fell to the basket below the guillotine. He found himself locked in the cell, but not alone. A powerful being had taken an interest in his case, and offered him power to turn the events. Desperate and angry, he accepted. The being turned out to be a demon, who seemed to be wanting to amuse himself with mortal affairs. Löwe, in turn, was granted a chance to go back to the night his love was to be executed. He did the only thing he could; charged head on, and failed. But the demon sent him back every time the guillotine snapped his lovers head from her shoulders, or when Löwe himself fell. Every time, Löwe progressed further. The slow progress began to bore the demon, however, so the demon offered Löwe "additional" powers. Löwe declined them, for if he could not do this himself, maybe it was how it was meant to be. But he would exhaust every hour of his existence to see if it was possible. How many attempts did it take? He had lost count, but eventually, with enough tries, enough trial and error, he had managed to save his love.The sight was unbelievable, peasants running for their lives as this one monstrosity of a knight had slain or wounded so many of his own brothers in order to save one, against all odds. The demon applauded him, but was thoroughly unsatisfied with how long this had taken, his amusement long gone. So he demanded the soul of Löwe's lover instead. Enraged by the demand, a demand that would have made all of his efforts into nothing, Löwe offered himself instead. The demon refused. Löwe in turn refused the demon to hand out his lover to the demon and charged the demon. The battle was short, and as valiantly as Löwe tried, he could not outpower a demon, finding himself with a severed left hand and multiple cuts through his armor. His sword, Zweihänder was not designed for single handed use, but Löwe still tried, as incapacitated as he was, he tried to fight on. He failed.

The God of Justice had picked the demon's presence at this point, and didn't see this as just, not to mention a demon had intervened with the mortals in the first place. Using Löwe as a conduit, the God sent the demon back to hell with quite a bit of ease. Now the God of Justice began his judgement on Löwe. He had slain his fellow knights, made deals with demons... but still, death would not be a fitting punishment. Instead, he 'blessed' Löwe. Löwe became a conduit to the God of Justice, a vessel for all the fallen, slain knights around everywhere, to bring down justice upon everyone and everything. He could not be stopped, he could not be killed. And most importantly, he could not stop himself.

Löwe soon realized he had to leave his lover out of his own free will, for he feared he would harm her; he had become unstable; the knights inside him demanding justice and judgement upon everyone and everything whom were not as pure as a child. He could not control himself, killing simple pickpockets without remorse. So he set out, banishing himself from everyone. Undying, unaging, uncontrollable, he tried to avoid contact with others, lest the Vanguard of Justice inside him awoke again.

[Y] Interests

Good ale. Milk. Warm fires. Sweetrolls. Roasted meat, nearly any kind. Intelligent people with strong opinions. Swapping stories. Books.

NOTE that these are all Löwe's interests, the Vanguard of Justice, or in other words, the knights inside him have all different ways to look into things.

[Y] Dislikes

Thieves, murders, ect. Bad people. He is a knight, after all. Spicy food. Being wet. Dishonor.

NOTE that these are all Löwe's dislikes, the Vanguard of Justice, or in other words, the knights inside him have all different ways to look into things.

[Y] About

Löwe is a single-armed knight, and he is also a Vanguard of Justice; a vessel of dead knights who seek revenge, justice, fulfillment of their duties they didn't have a chance to achieve when they were alive. These knights can be very overzealous, demanding the death of everyone who acts wrongly even in the lightest of senses. Löwe has learned to control the spirits within him to a certain degree, but he still can lose his control over to the Vanguard of Justice, a mighty being who will bring forth judgement. Anything that stands in it's way, is thus destroyed.

He is a big cat, and has a little girth around his waist. His mane is kept quite tidy most of the time, as is his fur, but with constantly having to deal with the knights inside him, he sometimes does simply not have time or motivation to keep himself too representable. Not that it matters much, for he rarely talks to anyone.

Sometimes, voices from the knights escape Löwe in eerie echoes. This is not Löwe talking, the echoes are the knights inside him, giving out their opinion on things, often demanding the judgement or punishment of others that Löwe would not punish. Due to this, and the fear that he will harm others, Löwe is quite anti-social. Not by nature, but by choice.

The Vanguard of Justice inside him is dormant when not needed. When it is active, it is easy to spot. Löwe's eyes are blank, blue, and they glow, and he casts an brilliance of blue light around him as he does. His left hand becomes a phantom, making him able to use it again. Any gear knights have, be it armor, shield, or weapon, he can summon as a phantom for him to use. His strikes are the combined strike of a thousands of knights, his shield, should he use it, can virtually stop just about anything, and his form is near absolutely impervious to permanent damage. It can be damaged, but it will soon be as if nothing happened. Think of a legion of knights. In one body. 

As one is aware, Löwe only has one arm. He still carries his Zweihänder with him, though, for in times of 'need', he gets his other hand back. Even as he has learned to use it somewhat with a single hand. He has a tidy red cape around his left shoulder, not particularly hiding his handicap, but perhaps to make it look less disturbing. He usually wears his plate-mail chainmail hybrid armor, for the knights inside him usually demand him to be "battle ready" at most times.

He speaks with a little accent.

His family emblem is an ouroboros wrapped around a sword.

Löwe is not even completely aware of his own age at the moment, he stopped counting years. He is old, but has not aged past his late twenties since he became the Vanguard of Justice.

Needless to say, one of 'lower' understanding of justice should stay clear of Löwe. Or face the Vanguard of Justice.

[Y] Relationships
None, as he tries to keep to himself in fear of ending up hurting those he would not want to.
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