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[Y] Characters
[Y] Fokker


Played by Height6'1
CreatedSep15/13 15:04:07Weight195
ModifiedSep15/13 15:15:02EyesEmerald Green
Western ZodiacSpeciesWolf
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Brown primary White secondary
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur Texture
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] Interests
Loves beautiful female furries. Additionally he likes handsome male furries. Males can have any kind of build other than obese. (Fat is acceptable on certain species i.e. Bulls, horses, rhinos) He prefers fit males.

He is into metal, trance core, techno, rock, and occasional rap.

[Y] Dislikes
He has pet peeves, but other than that he is relatively laid back.
[Y] About
Fokker is bisexual. He is submissive and dominant as far as male furries go. Rarely goes dominant.
[Y] Relationships
Looking for a male and female mate.
I have a few character that might work.
>Yoshish Devon

Thank you for your time
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green