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[Y] Experiment X

Experiment X

Played by Height7'6
CreatedJun10/13 23:30:50Weight240
ModifiedJun10/13 23:30:50EyesEmerald Green
BirthdayHairHas none
Western ZodiacSpeciesTriceratops
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Tanish brown
GendermaleFur PatternBlue spirals upon his arms and legs
OrientationFur TextureScales
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[Y] History
Experiment X has no name, no age. He is a male dinosaur not of this age, he was an illegal experiment gone terribly wrong. A group of scientests were trying to bring back Dinosaurs during the time Jurassic Park opened, but someone mistakenly placed human DNA within the DNA and as a result Experiment X was born with human like qualities. He could stand on two legs, he could speak, and he could learn. He is lost and doesn't know what to do, he has no clue of what year it is, and he knows that his entire world had changed. He feels like he is the only dinosaur left in the entire world and feels lost and scared. The young dinosaur wondered around for many years trying to escape the grasp of Engine the company that ran Jurassic Park for not even John Hanomed has found out about this little mistake that Engine had created themselves. 

The Dinsoaur soon finds himself amongst others like him, animals that can walk upon two legs, and speak, and learn. he feels more at home then he has ever had in his entire few months of living since his birth. He decides to make a home here and lives in a apartment not far from YiffUniversaty and is planning on opening himself out more to people to make new friends and possibly find another male lover. Yes, that is right, he is gay. The young three horned dinosaur although he looks very big is actually very kind and polite, he loves to read, write and somewhat draw and spends his afternoons lying about by a lake. He loves to walk in the moonlight when the moon is full, he also loves to talk about fantasy and werewolf films. 

The young dinosaur expects to be treated right within this new world, and if this happens he'll also treat you right as well. The young Dinosaur has gone deep into the Spirtiualism of Native American Shamanism and has been practicing the old arts for a good few years now, he doesn't wear much cloths for he dislikes them, instead he wears a simple loin cloth that hides his male goods. 

Although he is a rather big guy he really doesn't top, however he will make an acception when it comes to submissive males, but he is looking for more dominate males to have some fun with. But he too also is a romantic  fur, he loves to be in bed with those whom isn't top, yet isn't bottom. 

IF you wish to get along with Experiment X don't hesitate to ask him, he's a really nice guy. 

[Y] Interests
Reading, Writing, Drawing 
[Y] Dislikes
Gore, Scat, Watersports
[Y] Relationships
Single and seeking permanent, also a slave looking for a gay male master
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green