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[Y] Characters
[Y] Emily Jager

Emily Jager

Played by Height5 5
CreatedOct22/13 18:00:41Weight147
ModifiedOct22/13 18:00:41EyesBlue
Western ZodiaccapricornSpeciesGerman Sheppard Wolf Hybrid
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)black silver/grey
GenderfemaleFur Patternblack with silver belly
OrientationbisexualFur Texturesoft silk
[Y] History


Picture here-->   http://profiles.rphaven.com/Emily.Jager


[Y] About
High school drop out Exotic Dancer Hourglass figure glasses for reading Tongue piercing, left ear knicked Emily is a high school drop out; leaving school around the age of fifteen. She never really had a easy go when it came to reality, daddy issues, getting herself into abusing situations and addictions (dope/cocaine/MDMA). However, she is a fairly easy-going young girl with a passion for living life to the fullest with whoever she can find willing to join. She tends to get a tad snappy with people when it comes to getting her way, all the fun in learning how to handle her. Her personality is the kind where she is unable to sit down for long periods at a time.
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