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[Y] Draven


Played by Height5'10"
CreatedDec8/13 11:03:00Weight140 lbs.
ModifiedDec23/13 02:35:14EyesLight Blue
Western ZodiacSpeciesLynx
SexFur Colour(s)Grayish-white. Stripes are black
GendermaleFur PatternStripes around his face and head. Jagged stripes down his back
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureDense, slightly course
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[Y] History
Draven never knew his father. He was raised by his mother, and had a brother and a sister. They had a hard life, and never stayed in one place too long. Draven's mother taught all of them how to hunt and fight. She said it was just in case. When Draven and his sibilings were close to coming of age, she left one night. The three waited for her to come back, but she never did. Tired of waiting, Draven's brother left also. Draven and his sister, Adwar, decide that they would stick together. They stood by eachothers side for many years. One day, however, they got seperated. Some human hunters, mistaking them for wild animals, chased them for many miles. Unable to shke the hunters together, they split up in hopes to elude the humans. Draven managed to lose the hunters tracking him, and went to the desegnated spot where he and Adwar would meet if they got split up. His sister didn't show up. Draven decide to look for her, but didn't find any sign of her. Knowing in his heart that she was still alive, he set out on a journey in search of his lost sister. He has been to numerous places looking for a clue to where she might be, because, he misses her.
[Y] Interests
Silence and solitude. He likes to be alone. Unless he is with Adwar.
[Y] Dislikes
People, crowded places, and loud noises. He only deals with them because he wants to find Adwar.
[Y] About
Draven is a solitary person. He never stays in one place for to long unless he has to. He has been around the globe, following clues and stories about lyxes that he thinks might be his lost sister. Draven is hard to get to open up, and it's even harder to become his friend.
[Y] Relationships
Draven has no friends. He cares only for his sister. He search continues until he is reunited with her.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green