Played by | Height | 6' 4" | |
Created | Oct24/09 23:58:33 | Weight | 183 lbs. |
Modified | Oct25/09 19:39:38 | Eyes | Silver |
Birthday | Hair | Black, short and kept | |
Age | Nationality | Soviet American | |
Western Zodiac | Species | Human(?) | |
Sex | Fur Colour(s) | N/A | |
Gender | male | Fur Pattern | N/A |
Orientation | Fur Texture | N/A | |
Views | 139 | Votes | 0 |
Font color in-chat: Purple
MD, or "Modern Devil" started out as a godmod character known infamously (and unwanted) as Ryley Ashford; over four years, his maturity grew (as did my own virtually) and eventually he vanished off the face of the earth. On hiatus in his goliath mansion, he evolved and emerged back into the furry fandom as a social experiment with non-aggressive deity figures.
MD has very little interest, most involving weaponry, stories, and vehicles. His sexuality is oth ultimate and null, as no gender or kink is imposible (though some kinks are ignored), yet sexual activity is as rare as a blue moon.
Preferred drink: French vanilla milkshake
MD is a tangible, feasable solution to that unanswered question "how has existence come to be?" He is a social experiment meant to provide closure to the universe's question, giving answers to those ever-present quizzicals of life to curious furs while not becoming attached. His appearance is rare and almost always during the unpopulated hours of the day and night. MD resides in a goliath mansion rivaling half of the pentagon, set out in uncharted Alaskan tundra where the snow storms end only in the night to leave a chilling quiet upon his land.
The demigod absolutely loathes the word "god" in itself, as media, dogma, and general stereotypes have converted it into an arrogant figure of hollow authority and power without means to be justified. He prefers to be called an architect, having shaped the very laws of physics and science, then having shaped the elements to obey and adjust to these laws. Omniscience is a scattered term to him, seeing as how every ultra-deep field of galaxies has a dopplegangar wandering about and observing life on every terraform in existence.
His true form is presumed to be VY Canis Majoris, or a larger unknown star. His sentient form is best compared, by way of recent media, to Naked Snake of Metal Gear Solid 3 before becoming Big Boss. His face is said to be near-identical if more relaxed in muscle feature. Most of his face is concealed by a black scarf, tied in a ridiculously tight knot to secure it hiding everything from the bridge of his nose to the collar of his red, full-body trench coat. His hands are concealed by wrist-high leather sports gloves with grip pads, his feet covered by weighted boots. Beneath his coat, it's supposed (by rumor of other characters) that he wears baggy denim jeans of black color, and nothing for an undershirt.
He is commonly seen carrying a Fabrique Nationale Project-90 for both practical and aesthetic purposes. When words and common sense doesn't deter thuggish morons, often the P90's presence can make most keep their distance. If not, he often leaves.