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[Y] Draco


Played by Height6'1
CreatedJan30/14 16:33:09Weight145lbs doubled as a full dragon
ModifiedFeb6/14 18:55:58EyesBright green almost emerald in color
BirthdayHairShort white slicked back along his horns
Western ZodiacSpeciesDragon/human
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Red and black
GendermaleFur PatternDark red scales with a small mix of black
OrientationbisexualFur TextureScales and smooth skin
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[Y] History
Born a human the young man known as Draco was once human, that is until he saved the life of a dying dragon who in returned let him consume some of his blood, after trial and trial of this ritual of consuming his blood the dragon passed in turn granting him the powers and features of a dragon himself, over the years since then he has perfected his gift of turning into one of the great winged beasts, luckily for him a few years after a company with very secretive goals and alot of power came to him and asked him if he'd like to gain even greater power, offering him this in return that he become a killer for hire, after even more grueling years of training he took his first life and became what the company needed, an assassin for hire, [Present] The young human/dragon mix is being watched by the local police after he was seen killing in the area, tho now he fears what will happen to him if they should find him or if the company feels he needs to vanish.
[Y] Interests
you'll have to find these out for your own, what fun would it be telling you here.
[Y] Dislikes
Not much bugs him but you'll know them when they happen, his dragon side seems to boil to the surface when he's pissed.
[Y] About
A dragon with the ability to take on a human like form or stay to a full dragon form, both with bonuses and drawbacks.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green