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[Y] Tristan Leigh Knightblade

Tristan Leigh Knightblade

Played by Height6'7"
CreatedOct6/08 13:15:00Weight195lbs
ModifiedOct9/08 14:02:06EyesSilver
BirthdayHairLong wavey black hair with silvery white long bangs
AgeNationalitycurrently Canadian
Western ZodiacSpeciesDragon
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)
GenderfemaleFur Pattern
Orientationbi curiousFur TextureBlack scales
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[Y] History

Tristan was born into the family of the Knightblades 2 hours after her twin brother Dracco. The wintery mountainous region to the North was her home for many many years, always having looked up to her "big brother" Dracco. Especially after their father was lost while on assignment for the lord knight of their realm. She pleaded with their mother for Dracco not to be taken into the knights as she thought that he would go away just as their father had. But to no avail, Dracco started training much to Tristan's dismay.  To satiate her, her mother sometimes would take a detour when they walked to market to bring Tristan by the training grounds to watch Dracco with all the older boys practicing with their wooden swords. Doing this for years upon years as Dracco and her both grew older until it became a normal thing for her to come and watch her brother grow in the ranks of the Dragon Knights of Gaia.  She always had a deep love for her brother and he the same for her.  Always knowing that if she needed to talk to someone, she had a friend for life with her brother.

 The day came when Tristan found herself in tears holding onto Dracco's armored sleeve begging him not to leave the house. Her mother trying to keep her off of her brother knowing that he was already nervous enough as it was to be getting sent on a solo mission when he was only 14. Her tears were unfortunatly not enough to sway the heart of the lord knight as this was Dracco's right of passage to the higher ranks of the knights order.  He left that day and was to return in a week or two. Every day Tristan would sit by the front window of the house waiting for him to come home, sometimes accompanied by their mother who had to make sure that Tristan was attending her lessons with the Clerics and Mystics of the village and not sneak off to the mountany crags to just stand there for hours waiting for Dracco. 


Months passed and nothing, finally there was a knock at the door early in the morning and Tristan bolted to the door to find the Lord knight himself standing there looking grim, Tristans mother came to the door and she knew it was bad news as her mother held back tears until the lord knight without a word but save one, "I'm sorry" was said as he presented the bloody and beaten Armored chest plate that bore the shaft of a spear from a balistae that had peirced clean through the rear of the thick steel plate, Tristans mother instantly burst into tears soon followed by Tristan herself. Both of them laying many nights in each others arms weeping for the loss of their only other family member. 


Some months passed but one night when Tristan was fast asleep she was shaken awake by her mother telling her to get dressed quickly; Tristan didn't understand what was going on, screams, yelling and the clang of steel on steel rang from a nearby window that was wreathed in the orangy glow of flames, Tristans eyes sprung open wide as she dove from bed and got dressed immediately asking what was going on, her mother only answering that she didn't know but that they had to flee. Gathering whatever they could carry between their wings in heavy packs they ran into the blood stained streets Tristan screaming as she saw one of her close friends face down in the bloody snow with a sword through his back, three men heard her scream and started to run after them both, Tristans mother and her reaching the outskirts of the village when the singing of an arrow loosed from a crossbow sounded and Tristans mother fell to the snowy ground, she moved and struggled to get up screaming at Tristan to run.  


   She refused and stood there dumbstruck by fear pain and sorrow for seeing her mother bleeding into the snow, the men quickly approaching she ran for her mother and fell to her side dragging at her arm trying to get her to get up but her mother threw her to the side knowing that the wound that she sustained was near the heart and that she would die regardless...she looked at her baby girl and wished her a last goodbye before the gate to the village collapsed before Tristan had a chance to clamber back to her mother the sounds of her mothers roars and snarls soon dieing out replaced by the laughter of the men that had taken her life...Tristans tear stained cheeks were the only warmth that she felt as she ran for what seemed forever...trying to find some way away from there. 


Stopping only when her lungs felt like they would burst she found solace in a cave, lighting a fire with her breath to warm her body she shivered and weeped for days on end. Finally someone found her, a family of traveling mystics. She didn't trust them but she knew that if she stayed here that she would surely die. Taking into the fold she learned the ways of magic and healing but also learned to fight and the ways of a battlemage. After years she had made her way from the family breaking free from them and she made her way south vanquishing those that were the same order that the cowards that attacked their village all those years ago were. 


Finally finding a place in a small city she started to get back on her feet, enrolling in a college of culinary arts as she missed cooking. Thats where she met her soon to be boyfriend Dracco. She loved him deeply, his name reminding her of her brother that she lost so long ago. He never talked much about his past as he didn't remember much, or at least chose not to remember much. She loved him deeply and finally felt it was the time for the next step, becoming passionate lovers they were embraced in passionate bonds many times over. A scare sent them to the doctors office where they discovered the shock of their lives. Tristan had found her long lost brother thought to be dead all these years.  


The relationship was put on hold for a while as it was frowned upon and Dracco didn't know what to make of it anymore but Tristan never stopped loving him as deep as before even though this new informaton came into light. She was in tears once again the day her brother left for military training, resuming the wait by the front door and phone for any news on him.  Receiving e-mails from him every so often- having learned modern technologies in courses to make up for what she had missed durring her years away in the north at college-  she knew that he was going to come home. But he ended up coming home sooner than she had thought due to an injury sustained in a skirmish. 


They lived apart, she preferring her penthouse in the city to the quiet solitude of Dracco's home in the country. She visited him often as she could, and when she couldn't find time for herself she would be sure to stop by his restaraunt to visit him there. Still holding a deep love for her brother she stayed with him and didn't really have luck with other relationships as she wouldn't hide it from her prospective boyfriends that her and her brother had a relationship as well.   


She loves making new friends but doesn't let people in right away, it takes time to earn her trust due to an event that happened to her after Dracco went away to the military once again that has made her trust in males a bit lacking. 

[Y] Interests
Cooking, music, nature, her brother, baking, dancing, fast cars, motorcycles, being outside, jewelry, magic, mystisism, learning new technology, trucks, her cat Snowball, videogames, concerts, reading, writting, watching movies, and lots more ^_^
[Y] Dislikes
Males that think that buying you a drink instantly grants you access in her panties. Feminists, emos, rappers minus Eminem, she thinks he's funny:P Closed minded people, Laws regarding inter family relationships, people that try to claim her, Rapists, People that think that she's dumb just because she's bubbly.
[Y] About

 She has a great personality that is very bubbly that betrays the fact that she extremely intelligent. 

Her body type is athletically built but still curvy with middle C cup breasts gracing her chest. She's modest and usually wears clothing that hides her body unless she's around Dracco.

She wears reading glasses that sit at the tip of her muzzle when on the computer or curled up in the bay window of her penthouse reading a book. She doesn't ever wear makeup as she just can't be arsed to do it and she looks fine without it anyways, the most she will do is put her hair up. 

 As far as anything else? You'll have to get to know her for yourself *giggles*

[Y] Relationships
She still keeps the relationship with her brother a deeply loving one, as for mates, masters and whatnot, she doesn't have any mates, masters or slaves, and will not be claimed by a master, and will never take a slave. She hasn't had much luck in relationships when people find out that her and her brother were and sometimes still are lovers. For friends? Her views on what a friend is, is someone that thinks that she's more than just a vagina and boobs on legs. Someone that gets to know her is more likely to become a friend than somoene that walks up and says "hey nice legs, when do they open" that will most likely result in a kick to the balls.
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