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[Y] Marcus Illusion Prevmantovitch

Marcus Illusion Prevmantovitch

Played by Height6'1"
CreatedNov29/08 11:16:43Weight221lbs
ModifiedSep25/09 09:36:16EyesAmber
BirthdayJan12/82HairJust past the hips White mane with black rosettes like a snow leopard.
Western ZodiaccapricornSpeciesGryphon
SexmaleFur Colour(s)White, silvergrey and black rosettes
GendermaleFur Patternlayered, white being the main, silvergrey being the outlines along the leading edge of his wings
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft
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[Y] History

Marcus was born into the family of Prevmantovitch, the wealthiest mineral miners in northern Chenerton Russia, He grew up in a life of wealth and material possession but always longed for more than what was offered.   His father was always away at work or some kind of meeting with one or more of his mistresses,  his mother never really took care of him nor saw him as she was usually knee deep in drugs or some form of alcohol.

   For friends as he was growing up he never really had any but for the servants that had been assigned to take care of him. He didn't like this at all but he enjoyed the company for some time. When he was 12 he found his first true friend, a young arctic fox named Jennor, they became the absolute best of friends, near inseperable.

  Marcus always had found an affinity for being close to Jennor, he didn't know why, he thought to himself that he was just being clingy. Through his teenaged years Jennor and him continued to hang out, run away from the family compound, Marcus even took Jennor flying sometimes to his favourite spots that overlooked his families minneral reserves, the Permafrost and winds that whipped accross the vast russian winter desert made the ice sparkle and sky almost glow as the northern lights danced overhead.  

 Marcus had come to realize that he and Jennor weren't just friends after a while, Jennor laying subtle touches here and there, his femanine form looking quite attractive to Marcus. That night they wound up in bed with each other, and many nights to follow afterwards as well.  One day they were caught out by Marcus's mother who didn't care much for their actions and banished Marcus and made sure that Jennor's family would never be able to be released from their servatude to the Prevmantovitch's.  With a heavy heart Marcus set out only at age 17 to find his own way in the world. 

 He found sollace in the military reserve, he had an unnatural tallent with long rifles and other various weapons. Stealth was his most mastered tallent. When he turned 19 he was drafted into the Spetznaz elite forces.  He moved through their ranks quite quickly and was taken on many dangerous and secretive assignments that were supposedly "vital to the party's survival."  One such mission was the one that inadvertantly cost him his flight:  He was 22 years old by maybe 6 days when he was handed an assignment by his superior officer in secret, told that he was to find and eliminate a terrorist that was causing unrest and posting propaganda bombs throughout russia.  It was causing civil unrest and there had already been attacks against military personel and police units across the country.  His job was to find an kill this terrorist and any affiliated members.

  The night came for the mission, he had deployed and moved into the central city of Moscow as instructed, this target was staying at a well to do section of town usually reserved for party members or those of great wealth that contributed to the party members cause.  This didn't phase him, he had sighted his target and moved in for the kill, taking down guards as he went until he found his target...but it wasn't as it was supposed to be. This was no terrorist cell, this was a high ranking party official and his family in their own home.  Someone must have wanted them bumped off so they could move up in the chain of command.  Marcus, usually the hardened soldier couldn't help but remembering the face of Jennor and his family when Marcus was torn from Jennors arms and Jennors family told they were going to be in servitude forever. 

 His heart sank and he couldn't fullfill his mission objective. Taking instead, the duty upon himself to make sure the party member and his family got out of the city and made it to the border of a UN controlled embassy for the US in Kazaksthan.  Returning a few days later he just reported to his commanding officer, the one that assigned the hit, that his target had fled and was not anywhere to be found, any evidence of the cell had been eradicated or taken with them.  Of course the Commanding officer knew exactly what had happened, so he arranged for something to happen.  A few months passed and durring a training exersise that was disarming IED's or just in general explosives, Marcus was up, and was told , just like everyone else, that the explosives were dummies.  Good thing for Marcus that he usually makes sure of everything before even taking a breath, C4 has a specific scent to it and well...he smelled it and started his retreat backwards, but wearing the heavy bomb disposal gear slowed him down...the bomb detonated, shrapnel killed one of his colleagues and severed the nerves and muscles connecting his wings to his body...because of this "accident," he could no longer fly. 


  This injury prompted his immediate discharge with honours from the Spetznaz ranks after his rehabilitation was completed in hospital.

   Not really knowing where else to go, knowing that he wouldn't ever be able to return home, he started to wander through the Euro's working from port to port as a dock worker and deck hand on frieghters that ran the straights for the next 4 years of his life.  Finally finding somewhere that took him on, he made a trans atlantic voyage with Atlantic Ocean runners only to come to land in North America on his birthday. He stepped foot on Canadian soil for the first time and breathed the unabated and free air. 


  Taking his savings that he had accumulated over the years he bought himself a small home that wasn't lavish or anything that would tell of his lineage. Taking small jobs on the side to keep himself just at the meanial ends of being able to live; he realized that he could no longer just sit back and keep doing these tasks.  He decided to go to a place that he had heard of once before, a small back alley lot where his family had hired out of before to "eliminate" competition of theirs in less than legal ways. 

  Finding a large welcome for him especially after he told of his training with the elite forces of the Spetznaz, he was quickly pulled into the ranks of an organization known only as "The Brotherhood; a guild of assassins, politicians, economists and philanthropists with almost unlimited resources and power; This organization dated back to almost pre-egyptian times. Always present and pulling the strings from the shadows, organizing the downfalls of civilizations since the rule of Ramesis the first. Finding this lifestyle much to his liking, and the pay well beyond whatever he could have imagined, he kept with this to the present day, but to anyone that asks, or gets close to him, he is nothing more than a dock worker or mechanic that helps out where needed. 

 Now at age 26, he works for The Brotherhood on the basis that he gets to decide what contracts he commits to, he will never take one that endangers the lives of innocents again.  But unbeknownst to the guild, he takes 80% of the earnings that he gathers and puts them aside so that one day he can maybe buy the freedom of Jennor and his family.  

[Y] Interests
Weapons technology, relaxing, having a good time, women, efeminate males, charitable causes, the winter, hang gliding (as his wings are crippled and he can no longer fly on his own) Good food, good company, Jennor, and many, many others.
[Y] Dislikes
His family, people that talk about his family, people that are intollerant of others preferences, his past, overbarring idiots, godmodders, jerks, anyone that tries to push him around because of his dissability, people that bring up his past.
[Y] About

Build: That of a soldier of fortune lithe, but strong as an ox 

Clothing style: usually anything that is comfortable, casual blazers, military style clothing, BDU's,  jeans, khaki pants, vests, long sleeved oxford shirts, button up short sleeved shirts, boots are always a must, bandannas, fedorahs, or tilly-hats. 

 Jewelry: His ears are peirced, four in his left ear, three in his right, and a single gold loop through his right eyebrow. His dogtags still hang on a loose chain around his neck, as well as a gift that he received from Jennor the day that he left. a Small golden chain with an angel in flight hanging from the apex of the chain around his neck. 

[Y] Relationships
He has no relationships per say. He still wishes to free Jennor and maybe he'll come to him someday, but as for now; he's interested in friends, casual relationships and the like.
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green