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[Y] Jayris Khade

Jayris Khade

Played by Height8'1"
CreatedFeb23/10 08:59:44Weight290lbs
ModifiedFeb23/10 09:02:23EyesSilvery-red
BirthdayHairLong wavey black
Western ZodiacSpeciesNorthern/Southern Sergal hybrid
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Black and charcoal grey
GendermaleFur PatternStandard sergal pattern
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureSoft
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History

Sergals, most people hear they're name and automatically fear them for what they are, with merrit to they're fears sometimes. Some people call them creatures of nightmares, and for some, they truely are a nightmare that has been wielded into reality. At least, in they're own species and planet they are this way.  Vilous, the sergal homeworld is divided into two main species that rule over this vast and harsh planet. Northern and Southern sergals. Notherns, the larger of the two species, are lead by Rain Silves. A psycopathic matriarch whose soul purpose and goal in life is to eradicate anything and anyone that stands in her way in the most gruesome way possible. For her? If there isn't loyalty or something ueful to be had? Then the person in question is better off as a pool of blood at her feet and meat in her belly. Southerns on the other hand, are a phillosophical society based in reason and studies. They are the smaller of the species with thinner fur, longer ears and more agile bodies rather than strength. They are a desert nomadic people that try to avoid the wars that inevitably found they're species due to the tyranical rule of General Rain Silves.  Normally they shied away from fighting unless they absolutely had no choice in the matter and needed to defend themselves...which unfortunitly for them, unless they were very lucky, ended them up as a Northern's next meal.  

Jayris's story begins as thus, in an already torn world where the Northern sergals have been divided into two clans, those that follow the psycopath Rain, and those that had stollen themselves away into the western desert plains to live they're own way.  These Northerns in particular did not stand for traitors in they're midst and still held the Southerns as enemies that should be wiped clean from the face of the Vilousian plains but, did not directly engage them for they're numbers could easily be overwhelmed if the Southerns ever decided to full on attack.  Now in the south at the same time, because of Rain's ever present attacks that were pushing further and further into southern territory; there were displaced groups of refugees that had to escape somehow.  

Being a logical people, they decided that the best course of action was to use an old trick, moving into the mountains to the west near the plains where the Northerns territory began, they made it so that basically, the closer they were to danger,the further away from harm that they would stay. Living off of the land, the southerns remained studious as always, living out they're lives in a relative peace, accepting new refugees that had escaped the death squads that Rain sent over into the southern desert for no other reason than the glory of slaughter. 


 This is where Jayris's father came to be, Tal'uk of the southern sergals, a proud phillosopher as well as a warrior that had survived multiple engagements in single combat with northern sergals, was one of the few guards and hunter-gatherers that was left in the southern sergals refugee group. He had been one of the ones that initially helped them set up camp in these mountains and built up stone huts and hearths to hide the smoke from the fires that they had to use to keep themselves warm durring the harshest months of the season equivillant to Earth's winter. 


  One night while he was out hunting, the best time to hunt most of Vilous's most prized game animals; something happened that would shape the history that had not yet been written. Tal'uk was about to strike at a cornered Vilousian boar that he finally had cornered in a boxed in section of mountain pass where he had coaxed it into when he was quite literally fallen upon by a Northern Sergal.  Now, usually this would strike an instant battle to the death between the two, the victor walking away with they're life, the loser...most likely the winners next meal; such was life on Vilous. 


  But this time it was different, this time...the Northern sergal made no moves from her splayed out and prone position on the ground, a steady stream of crimson flowed from beneath her magnificent armor that bore the markings of the army of Rain Silves. This concerned Tal'uk to no end, but...being of curious nature, he used the tip of his pole-arm to roll this sergal over only to find that she was completely unconcious and looked to be beaten to within an inch of her life.  Usually he would either just leave her to die or kill her himself to euthanize this wounded warrior, but...he knows that his own species is very, very honour bound; and even if there was a slim chance that she had been one of those that had deserted and made it to the western plains, that if he spared her life, that she would owe him a life debt regardless of they're lineage.  


  So, thinking that he may have found a way to maintain his own hyde for another season, he carefully dragged this female northern back to a part of the village where no-one would disturb the two of them. This section had been descimated in a rock slide the previous season and left many dead, they're geologists had found that the land there was unstable and unsuitable to live on and feared another collapse so everything in this area was abandonned and nobody came here anymore, so Tal'uk knew that he had the privacy that he needed to tend to this fallen Northern's wounds.  


  Over a period of 3 months or so, he tended to this Sergals wounds daily and kept her nourished, she barely spoke, and always looked upon him in disgust whenever he came, but after the second month, she started to more or less warm up to him, and actually began to speak. The first words from her mouth "Thank you for sparring my life, my name is Mal'tar of the Northern Armies, I owe you my life." To this Tal'uk just smiled and then continued to care for her until she was fully healed and able to start moving once again.  Eventually, nature being as it is, it found the two most unlikely commerades falling in with one another, an act and thought in itself that in both of they're societies was an offense punishable by death or worse...


  Within the next months, Mal'tar had taken leave for no reason, in the middle of the night she had just vanished into thin air, Tal'uk left alone and wondering if she had just gone without saying or if she had been fallen upon by others that finally ventured after him in the night. Neither of these thoughts were to hold true...as Mal'tar made her way back west once again, holding under her armor an enlarged abdomen, she was with child. And that child, was to be Jayris Khade.


  Mal'tar had made her way almost 200 miles to the western plains edge where they joined the high desert of the North, this is where she was to have her child, Jayris came into this world and she feared the worst, she already knew that he was going to be a Northern/Southern hybrid, that in itself was a union that would result in the execution of her, and her baby if anyone had ever found out. But, Jayris's features told different, his dark fur and open silvery red eyes told of his Northern lineage already, and she knew, that the only thing that would tell of his Southern heritage over time would either be his longer ears, or if he didn't grow like a Northern. Luckily for them both, in his early years up to 10 years old, he grew like a weed and had all the traits of a northern, thick, bushy fur that hid the fact that his ears were longer than normal, large in size, by the time he was 13, he had already grown to a massive 7 feet tall and weighed almost as much as his mother did at 260lbs.  His mother began to teach him how to use a polearm at a very early age, as sergals reach adulthood at around the age of 14-15  and they're life expectancy isn't very far after that. 


  Jayris's mother provided for the both of them, taking him on hunting trips through the vast plains and into the high desert to find things to eat, telling him over and over again that he needed to avoid a certain area where smoke was always rising just beyond a hill that they steered clear of whenever they went out. Jayris, being of southern lineage as well as north, had a natural curiosity and always wondered, but obeyed his mother regardless of whatever his urges were.  On his 14th birthday, his mother had gone out hunting before the break of day to try and find something that they could eat, as they hadn't eaten in almost 3 weeks, and Jayris, though strong, was starting to show signs of malnutrition and physical exhaustion to the point where he couldn't really do anything on his own at this point. But this day...she left him, and just simply, never returned. 


  Jayris waited for almost a week to no avail, no word, and no return of his mother to his side. Taking up his mothers armor and weapons, he struck out on his own, trying to keep his stride together as best he could for being on an empty stomach for almost a month and a half now.  He decided that it was now or never, and made his way towards the smoke that rose into the sky, only to find a camp of Northern Sergals, deserters all of them from Rain's Army, and he prepared himself to be killed on sight as they usually didn't welcome outsiders. But, they saw that he was young, to young to still know the war that had split the Northern clan right down the middle, Jayris's mother never really talked about her passed before so he knew almost nothing about his own species.  


  Stumbling on unsteady feet into the camp of these sergals, he was met with looks of astonishment, disgust, and some of awe, his armor barring the marks of the pre-split Rain's armys sigil. Finally giving in to his exhaustion he fell into unconciousness at the feet of an elder grey furred sergal that had obviously seen many, many battles and this was probably the best part of the war for him, as he was sitting by a large fire in the center of the camp and was eating roasted meat of unknown regions. Thinking that he wouldn't wake up he just held his mothers polearm close to his side in hopes that he'd at least be granted passage into the warriors place in the afterlife. 


  But upon waking up, he found that he had been sparred by this elder sergal, he recognized the potential of this young one, and took him under his wing so to speak. Taught him the ways of things that he never knew before, how to hunt, how to fight, and sometimes, when Rain still sent death squads after them, how to defend himself and make the choice to kill those of his own species; as well as something that he didn't really enjoy to begin with, but started to fall into place. This "father" as he called this elder sergal, taught him how to field dress his fallen enemies as food was scarse, it was a harsh fact of life on Vilous that cannibalism was a part of every day life. 


  Years passed and Jayris became quite an accomplished warrior and hunter, getting fitted with a suit of his own armor that was made from the same plates of his mothers just reformed to fit his now just breaking 8 foot height body. He wore it with pride whenever they went on a hunting trip to try and gather some food for those in the camp.  Sometimes he would go out on his own back to the small hut in the west where he lived before with his mother, just to see what was still there.  


  That is when something happened that to this day, he's still not sure of exactly.  But as southern sergal phillosophers would find, once every 25,000 years on Vilous, the twin moons that hang overhead allign directly with they're galaxy's center and create a temporal rift...no one really knows why and no one really knows what happens. Just that -it- happens.  And this night, Jayris had gone out on his own once again, wearing his armor and carrying his mothers polearm for protection when the sand beneath his feet began to tremble and quake.  Thinking that it was another earth-quake he stood his ground like he had been taught, but, it was to no avail, a great force lifted him from the ground and snatched him into the sky.  A great darkness surrounded him, all he could see was stars, stars all around him, planets whizzing by like they were whisps of dust on the vast desert winds; then...all of a sudden it came to a crashing halt when he landed on something hard. Managing to right himself, much like a cat to land on his feet, he stood once again, on something that looked to be a carved stone pathway through foliage that he'd never seen before.  


   The truth was, the temporal rift had happened and he, unfortunitly had been sucked through a rift in time, across the entire universe via a worm hole to what we all call "Earth", more specifically, he was dropped in Central Park West, New York City. The single moon of our planet hung overhead while he tried to explore this new strange place, seeing species and hearing noises that came from things that he had never seen, he felt for the first time in his entire life, the touch of fear. This was when a passing stroller with her baby, a human, caught a glimpse of his massive armored form and immediately called for help on her cellphone.  The police, animal control and the fire department were all summoned but it would take a while to get to that exact location.  Jayris, all the while remained completely clueless to what was going on.


Being of curious nature, he began to start to walk along this stone path to see if he could get back through whatever had taken him and dumped him here, see if he could get back to Vilous, as he knew just by the smell of the rather poluted air, that this was definitly not home.  This was when he was approached by three men, two anthros and a human male, all in the dead of night, all of they're breath hanging in the cool night air accented by a street lamp that stood not 20 feet from where they all stood, Jayris in the center of the circle of assailants...which is exactly what they turned out to be.  The human drew a gun and pointed it directly at Jayris, the others drew knives. The knives Jayris recognized but the gun, he had no clue what it was, so he just laughed when the human demanded all of something called "Money".  The human obviously didn't appreciate being laughed at as he pulled the trigger on his gun and fired a single round that ricochet off Jayris's shoulder plate and caught him in the arm wounding him. Growling fiercely he realized that this was an attack and basically ended up taking a single swipe at the man with his polearm, and filleted the man into two neat halves much like a beef carcas would be split down the middle on a band saw. The other two seeing this fled for they're lives just as the police began to show up, only to find Jayris crouched over the corpse of his fallen "Enemy" and filleting it much like a hunter would if he was field dressing a kill. The cops held fire as they were just disgusted at what they saw, and they weren't honestly sure of what this 'thing' before them really was. Animal control came to plate as they figured that they had some kind of wild animal that had escaped from the zoo or something, it was they're best guess anyways...and this man scored a lucky hit on Jayris through a chink in his armor. Knocking him out cold with a tranquilizer dart designed to drop an elephant. 


  He was found to be a sentient being and intelligent enough to stand trial for manslaughter because it was deemed self defense once they found out that the man had shot at Jayris first, but because of the inherrit Cannibalism that was witnessed, he was also tried as criminally insane.  Sentenced to 25 years in a state pen, he was stripped of his armor, weapons and posessions and put in an orange jump suit while awaiting trial, evaluated over and over again, he was found not insane, but of sane mind. They just deemed that he was from Africa or something due to the accent in his voice and his odd nature that no one had ever seen before. He spent his sentence in silent reserve for the most part, going into a prison at age 22 had no effect on him, as basically, this was the best that he had lived in his entire life, he didn't have to fight for food, he didn't have anyone that could stand up to him and win, and he found that working in the butchers shop of the state pen actually was quite nice. 


  15 years had passed since he had gone into prison, and a parole hearing had been called. He was brought before a judge and his lawyer got him off with 3 years of restricted movement back in the general population of the township of New York. The state set him up with a job, a home, and an ankle bracelette, which he didn't really understand, but it also gave him back his armor and other posessions. He was given some money as well so that he could get some clothing and the like.  Durring his 15 year sentence he learned quite a bit, as normally, if he didn't wear his armor, he'd just be wearing somewhat of a kilt type garb, or nothing at all. But it was the law that you had to wear clothing around here, so he would abide by it.  


  the three years went by that were sanctioned by the court, he stayed out of trouble, reported for work every day on time and earned his fair share of cash.  Finally tthe ankle bracelette was removed and he was able to move about freely and get on with his life...now, he was 40 years old an age unheard of back on Vilous but for maybe the most protected Southern philosopher or maybe Rain Silves herself. With what money that he had, he made his own way and since he was in prison, discovered that he really had a knack for butchery, so he started his own small deli and butcher shop in upstate New York, mainly to get away from the congestion and confusion of the big cities and get back to the quiet reserve of his own life. 





[Y] Interests
Butchery, Intelligent conversation, learning new things about this place "Earth", Barbeque, Basically anything that he didn't have on Vilous or while in Jail, Reading, keeping clean, other sergals, culture, different species, etc...
[Y] Dislikes
People that are unintelligent, animal control officers, being treated different just because he well...is different, people that ask him to fight just for the sake of proving themselves against him.
[Y] About

Name: Jayris Khade

Height: 8'1"

Weight: 290lbs

Age: 40 years old

Anything else, just feel free to ask. 

[Y] Relationships
None as of yet, doesn't even have friends but would eventually like some.
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