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[Y] James David Mercer

James David Mercer

Played by Height6'3"
CreatedNov29/08 10:39:54Weight212lbs
ModifiedDec27/09 23:06:11Eyesleft-ice blue right-ice blue/emerald green
BirthdayHairJust passed shoulder length black wavey hair with curls at the tips
Western ZodiacSpeciesWolf
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Jet Black
GendermaleFur Patternnone
Orientationbi-curiousFur TextureSoft but when dirty rough
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[Y] History

James came into the world in the usual way. Born into a family of just him and two parents to begin with. His first four years were bliss, his dad doted and played with him, his mother did the same as well. Then 4 years later his sister came along and he was kinda pushed aside into the corner and made an afterthought in his families mind ever since then.

He now is 22 and living with his family still in the basement of their large victorian style home; he wants out and wants out soon, but can't due to the lack of jobs in the area and his lack of money; putting himself through college for music kinda made his bank account go from pretty decent to in the hole in under a few months. He enjoys college and those that he met there but other than that he just wants to relax, find some good times and not be made fun of for how he looks.  He is built quite well, though he does carry a tiny bit of paunch around his middle, just in the love handles section, other than that he's built like a warrior from old times.

 Other than that? Get to know him yourself to find out.

[Y] Interests
Art, medieval things, dragons, animals, relaxing, good food, good wine, computers, online roleplaying, etc...
[Y] Dislikes
People that are ignorant jerks, godmodders, people that judge others by what they look like and not whats in their hearts.
[Y] Relationships
None as of yet, and doesn't really have that many friends to begin with, but is always willing to make new ones, but is shy and doesn't ever make first moves.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green