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[Y] James "Browning" Carmine

James "Browning" Carmine

Played by Height6'8"
CreatedOct29/09 17:39:20Weight246lbs
ModifiedOct29/09 17:39:20EyesBrown
BirthdayFeb14/72HairSandy Brown
Age52NationalityCanadian/American/Native American
Western ZodiacaquariusSpeciesClydesdale
SexmaleFur Colour(s)middle brown with white tufts around his wrists and hooves
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationheterosexualFur Texture
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[Y] History

James, Jim "Browning" Carmine was born into a family durring a not so wonderful time in the 1970's. Growing oil shortages and political strife were throughout the nation, that and his parents didn't know if they could really support having a child at this point in the game, after all the only income was from James' fathers salary from working the mines.  The family found a solution while James was still young, not one that came with an easy decision though; James' father decided to take oportunity's call and moved all the way across North America to the Atlantic Ocean seaboard to start work as a mechanic on offshore oil drilling platforms; just sending the money home to his wife so that she had enough to make due and raise their boy right.  


  Jim's mother got the duty of raising her boy right, she raised him to be a proper gentleman, right from wrong, and that there was nothing like a hard days work to make you feel like you've accomplished something.  She was very proud of her boy, he steered clear of videogames and the like, trading it in for being out of doors most of his free time when he wasn't in elementary school.  Living in the foothills of British Columbia meant that there was alot of free space to explore and treck through as well, so there was never any shortage of adventure for the young stallion.  


  All throughout school Jim was more or less an average student, not Einstien intelligent or anything, but he kept up with the Joneses so to speak; His mother and father were both very proud of him, getting pictures of his dad sent back from the drilling rigs where he worked always made Jim smile. Every few months Jim's father was able to come home from his work on the rigs for holidays, spending christmas with his boy and loving wife.  It was almost a picture perfect family.  


  Jim worked into his early teens being made fun of as he didn't develop like the other boys did, he was smaller, lithe and hadn't really hit a growth spurt yet. Some even mistook him for a female a few times which really made him start to grow a self confidence issue.  His dad always tried helping getting him into maybe sports or something of the like, but Jim really didn't like sports, thought they were to...well, just not him. Instead he decided to just go on living the way he was, happy that his parents were still proud of him, and still enjoying the photos that were sent back from the drilling rigs out east.  


  Jim was now 18 years old, and had really started to hit his growth spurt and fill out to become a well...more or less a manly man. Broad shoulders, well built, and a smile that could make ladies cream themselves if he so much as looked in their direction...or at least thats what his dad always told him when he would talk with him over the phone.  It was Jim's graduation day from highschool when his life took an unexpected turn. Durring a phonecall to his dad the line kept on going static, and the sounds of alarms in the background came into earshot. Jim got to say "I love you" to his dad before the line went dead.  That was the last time he was ever to hear from his dad, that afternoon the oil rig that he was on suffered a catastrophic failure of a massive hydraulic pump, and durring the attempt to fix the pump it ruptured and killed 6 workers, Jim's father was one of these men.  


  For the next six years Jim more or less drifted from job to job, trying to keep himself busy for his mothers sake, putting himself through school and starting to work at odd jobs doing things that not many people really wanted to do, septic cleanout, dog walking, helping farmers with their studding services...which he didn't enjoy in the least. But it was money and helped he and his mother cope with the loss of a father and husband.  Jim couldn't really decide what he wanted to do with his life...and at 25 years old; it was kinda late in the game to hit the pause button and start again.  


  Something sparked his interest though; he loved being out o doors, loved working with his hands and the woods were like a second home to him. With his mothers consent he started taking night school courses about logging and buisness ventures; all the while still working his odd jobs trying to keep some cash flow for him and his mother.  Graduating and getting his certification for logging industry and equipment operation, as well as a batchelors in buisness and commerce, he decided to look for work in the logging industry that was booming on Vancouver Island.  


  It didn't take him long to find a job as people at the time were looking left right and center for anyone that they could hire out that knew how to use a chainsaw.  Jim took to this kind of work like a fish to water, though the location required him to move out...which he didn't look forwards to.  He found a small place on the Island out of the way set into the foothills not 2 hours from where he worked felling trees for the lumber trade. He kept working at  it and the pay was just phenominal, the job was dangerous though...in his first season a fellow logger and one of his friends was killed in an incident where branches that were high up on the tree fell down and well, basically impaled them; so safety was always at the forefront of his mind.    


 After a few years of moving around from company to company, he decided to make a buisness venture, presenting himself to the bank and the commerce board at age 28, he showed potential for a clear cutting operation that would make the logging industry boom and lumber market rise to the occasion as industry and residential housing on the island was really starting to heat up.  Thus "Browning Logging Co." was born.  


  The first few years were rough, trying to find workers that were compotent to handle themselves out in the woods turned out to be a real pain in the ass, and well, one claim cost Jim nearly 200,000 dollars for a workers lost leg due to the workers own stupidity...but that was a different story.  Other than the paperwork, he loved working at this job.  He owned three drag line operations and had contracts with an air lift logging company to get old growth wood out of the way in blow down areas throughout the foothills on the mainland as well as the forests on Vancouver Island.  


  Years leading up to the present day were like a blur, seemed like yesterday to him that he was signing the papers for his mothers condo on the Island and helping her move in, at the same time getting a large enough property for himself, to keep occupied in the off season.  Never really having luck with the ladies but for maybe one night stands, he has no girlfriend, no wife, nothing, much to his moms dismay; and she reminds him every Sunday when he shows up for lunch and dinner and to help her around the house, something he'd done since the day that he moved out.   


   Present day? Its the off season, Fall/Winter you couldn't log anymore as the roads were completely closed off and trucks couldn't access the areas that were needed to get to. He spent most of his time parousing the local bars and in town every now and again for supplies for his property.  Other than that? Hanging out with his friends from work and having a beer or two.

[Y] Interests
Being outdoors, nice people, working, making others happy...within reason; intelligent people, good times, having fun, hunting, fishing, and something he usually keeps secret, but sometimes he snowboards.
[Y] Dislikes
Ignoramuses, overbarring jerks, people who are disrespectful to women, and their elders, bad drivers, being sick, being taken advantage of, basic stupidity, people who try to force their beliefs on others, emo's.
[Y] About

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 247lbs

Clothing: Usually plaid shirts, kind of a joke between him and his crew as they are lumberjacks, jeans, work boots, ranch style jackets, leather gloves, t-shirts (various colours) boxers.


Anything else just feel free to ask.

[Y] Relationships
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green