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[Y] Characters
[Y] Grey


Played by Height6'3"
CreatedJul29/13 22:52:42Weight190lbs
ModifiedJul31/13 22:02:01Eyespurple
Western ZodiacsagittariusSpecieswolf/nano
SexmaleFur Colour(s)grey
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationheterosexualFur Textureprickly/metallic
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History

No different from the rest, Grey grew up a moderately normal live, had loving parents, had a job, even met a beautiful wolf named Sonya.  Everything seemed to go well until he met a creature named "O.D.O.F". The strange creature explained that it was from the future and sent into the past to eliminate a certain family tree of sergals to stop the sergal race from controlling many solar systems and destroying many planets, hearing this Grey also wanted to help O.D.O.F with his plans and they soon spent weeks with each other trying to find out were the sergals are. Spending time with O.D.O.F, Grey found out that it was not a creature but a whole colony of nanobytes that were created by the sergals themselves to help them destroy anyone who opposed the sergal race and t

heir attempts to conquer the galaxy. But however, O.D.O.F's nanobytes were scrambled by the time travel, slowly changing O.D.O.F's plans of stopping the sergal menace. Seeing this Grey did anything in his control to help O.D.O.F but soon got dragged down with O.D.O.F by being infected by the nanobytes and had O.D.O.F in his system slowly taking over. Before long O.D.O.F seemed successful by managing to slaughter Grey's 

loved ones. Seeing this infuriated Grey and with new strength Grey pushed back O.D.O.F from completely controlling Grey. But it was to late, Grey's mind and body was altered to O.D.O.F's liking and Grey's mind was pushed off the ledge of sanity. Now all Grey does is wander the planet in a mental war with O.D.O.F to keep his  body and mind.




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Speedy 7734 is my best friend if you mess with him I'll kill you
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