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[Y] Zappy


Played by Height5'11"
CreatedJun14/12 20:25:02WeightTechnically doesn't weight anything if she does not want to.
ModifiedJun14/12 21:33:12EyesPurple Left eye, Pink right eye, both with slender heart shaped pupils.
BirthdayHairHer hair at full length is to the very tip of her shoulders, and even then just barely. The Due itself is choppy, kept messy and wild but stylish with a lot of volume. If she had to give it a look, she'd describe it as slightly "scene" in style.
Western ZodiacSpeciesCheshire Cat
SexTechnically Genderless, but often FemaleFur Colour(s)Colors... Dark Pink and Light/basic purple alternating horizontal stripes. As far as her hair, its a solid darker purple with an undertone of pink and colored at the tips.
GenderWhichever suits her at the timeFur PatternSolid horizontal stripes.
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft yet thick, her fur is rather bushy like that of a medium/long haired feline.
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[Y] History
There was the begining of time, things started and worlds came to be, things expanded and at some point every living thing and sentient item... blink, and she was suddenly there in Wonderland. She came into being as a toddler with the knowing of an omniscentient being. She knew everything because she was everywhere, and so she made her form be an adult, and needed no learning.
[Y] Interests

 She enjoys people, talking, cuddling (With women), sleep, being lazy,blood, gore, herself, and just random things.

A person can get on her good side easily by giving her the following items: Monster Mixxd energy drinks, Strawberry jello with peaches inside, Gummy candies, Chicken Alfredo, raw broccoli with ranch, boiled eggs, and whatever she she's leaning for at the time.

[Y] Dislikes
Ass holes, idiots, those without the ability to type "You're" so they type "ur", people who go out of their way to bother her. She... is easily annoyed.
[Y] About

The Chesh-Cat has many names: Zappy/Graffiti/Cheshire/Chesh/Cheshi/Ches.

 Zappy, the Cheshire cat stands at 5'10"-5'11" ish and weighs nearly nothing due to the way she exists in this world at most times. Her physical build is somewhat boyish, with some pudge around her tummy and hips, she's not too curvy but she does have a somewhat feminine shape, her most notable asset would have to be... well, her ass, large and round and without sag, hip checking someone with it could topple anyone.
As the feline often takes on a female form she undoubtedly has a bust of some sort, usually keeping is at about a B-Cup or C, this may change though, seeing as she may manipulate her physical form, it is quite rare. Again reshaping is not something she does often, she doesn't feel she needs to.
Horizontal stripes, she's covered in them, from head to toe on her messy and lengthy fur. From purple at the feet, then pink, purple, pink, and ends at her head with her upper most head being pink and the around around her mouth being purple. The shaggy, spiked purple hair makes her appear very outspoken and ready to 'rock', which she usually is.

Now the finer details. The cat's face comes off as boyish and almost always has a smile on it, though is appears to be of arrogance, she cannot help it. The creepy Cheshire grin is only used when she grins, not when she smiles and with the grin her smile goes literally from ear to ear.

A Piercing on the lower right side of her lip, is a single ring. Many more piercings cover her body, she's got a bit. Her left eyebrow has a simple bar, and her ears have three on each, though she's got different kinds. Secretly she's got her nipples pierced as well,  silver bars, but who cares about that, her nips are hidden by her messy fur.

17 feet long, just as wide as her body, able to open itself up along its length, the tail is full of spines, spikes, and toothed suction cups, her tail is something to avoid. The large appendage quite prehensile, and even has a mind of its own at times.

Zappy is also digit-grade with wide foot paws and long claws, even when sheathed the points poke out just a bit, even her hands though not as big are more paw like than finger like. Her hands hide large claws that she tries not to use.

-More stuff: At most times Zappy has no internal organs, the only things being within would be her bones, tongue, and sex organs, though her genitals aren't used often, ha ha.
Withing her abdomen/stomach area she has a small ecosystem. Various insect and arachnids take residence in her, each of these species are from her native dimension (wonderland), and have become accustomed to helping her body as with healing processes and breaking down toxins and foods.
Her ribcage is a thing of beauty and she loves it. Jointed bones that allow her more flexibility in the chest and the ability to expand her chest and even grab things with the joints digits within.

Zappy does not feel pain unless she should choose to, she does not bleed, but can be very much damaged physically if caught off guard. Normally should there be anything bout to harm her she'd remove herself from existence and return once the harm has passed.

-Usual wear: A tight fitting mens button down short sleeve shirt. It is a simple solid black, covered in zippers and pockets which she stuffs things in. The cat has taken to wearing sports bra's under her clothing, though her chest fur is always popping out of her button down top due to the length of her fur at her chest. From the waist down she wears boxer briefs, usually whatever color matches her bra but on occasion she has one with a patter; batman, broccoli print, etc. Last for clothing she wears dark Bell-bottom jeans with stylish fading and tattering. She wears no belt, or anything else really. Though she may touch of if needed. She also has slender librarian glasses once in a while.

-Club/sexy wear: A black sleeveless hoody, the main item is a denim material while the hood is mesh. the main item has many pockets. She'd also wear her black gloves. baggy black cargo jeans. Black aviators somewhere on her person.

-Able to remove herself and things she touched from existence, should she herself be nonexistent, somehow she still has her consciousness while not in reality which is what allows her to return to existence and bring back various items she's removed, back into the world. Also, if she touches and item she can remove it from reality in it's entirety or just the area she's touching. she may use this ability to cut through things with her fingers, engrave items, and things of that nature. of course she may bring them back, and if unseen, put the items exactly as they were.

-Extreme flexibility

-Physical manipulation of things unseen: Say a person had a wound, if she were to cover it and make it unseen to the world, she could make it so there were no injury.

-Perceptual control of reality: Example, if a person were looking at a tree and she went to it, while the person were looking at it, she would be able to topple the tree over as if it were flat as cardboard.

-Manipulation of herself: adding/removing organs and structures in/on her body.

-Immortality and Rebirth: She technically can't die and If she did lose her body and mind somehow, another her could just appear in the world, same as she was before.

 Personality: Zappy is typically violent towards... anyone. someone who decides to randomly molest her or something would face a darker fate than most, though she herself loves to randomly grope persons she likes.
The woman is a bit insane/mad/odd/creepy, if you get her at the right time, but she mostly means good. She's self destructive, usually harming herself in some way, though she wont feel it. She doesn't harm others unless she can fix it.
She's known to be loud, hyper, and very excitable.

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