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[Y] Characters
[Y] Anthos Thea

Anthos Thea

Played by Height6 foot
CreatedNov17/13 17:40:15WeightClassified
ModifiedNov17/13 17:57:41EyesSoft gold
BirthdayNov30/99Hairlong thick matching her fur
Western ZodiacsagittariusSpeciesUnknown
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)A cool grey to white
GenderfemaleFur PatternA mixture of extravagant patterns and lines along her body
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureThick and soft with a hint of lavender scent
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[Y] History
In the begining of time of time there was a goddess, who with the help of the other gods made the most beautiful instrument known to the heavens, it was created to be played by the angels and bring the mortals below comfort and ease when their time came to join the gods, sadly the instrument soon fell quiet as the mortal's nature turned more and more sinister, now 2000 years later the gods have no use for the instrument they poured their heart into making, so they sent it to the mortal realm in the shape of a woman matching its beauty, she would be tasked with playing her lovely sound and guiding mortals toward the right path again, but soon she realized how large of a task that goal would become, she alone would not be able to do such a task so she prayed to the gods to help her but her cries went unanswered, she soon took to the mortals sinister ways herself in the gods lost guidance and some thousands of years later here she is again but now she searches for a different goal, she's unsure what exactly it is but she has to strive on to find it.
[Y] Interests
She can play just about anything that can make a sound or produce a tune, she doesn't like many of them tho, she favors the harp and the bass, when she's at her most comfortable she'll sing which is where the divine sound of the instrument she once was has been place, her heavenly voice has been known to heal wounds and lift spirits, she in her years here has grown fond of the liquid known as mead, its sweet taste is a terrible pleasure for her, its mind-numbing affects on the other hand don't phase her. Anything else she likes you'll have to find out on your own.
[Y] Dislikes
Pain, sadness, greed and hatred, she hates any type of sinister feeling or emotion, but she also knows they are like breathing in this day and age so she can only do so much but just try and make those around her.
[Y] About
[Y] Relationships
She over the years has had hundreds of followers come and go with age but none so far.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green