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[Y] Tom Goldtail

Tom Goldtail

Played by Height6'0"
CreatedDec4/08 17:53:30Weight230 pounds
ModifiedDec4/08 17:53:30EyesBlue
Western ZodiacariesSpeciesFox
SexFur Colour(s)Red, white, and black
GendermaleFur PatternRed, with white chest and black paws and black tip on tail
OrientationbisexualFur Textureslick but soft
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[Y] History
Has traveled the world looking for interesting sites and smells.  Lived in a tribe for a long time in a fantasy realm and has since learned the way of the sword. Since his world was also managed by magical forces he began to learn their ways.  It was because of these studies that sent him through a portal this realm.  Upon arrival he heard about a place where furs of all types have gone to.  He entered it in his blue and sliver armor and sword hanging on his side.  He then pushed the door open and his cerulean blue cape flapped as he entered the strange place.
[Y] Interests
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Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green