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[Y] Shadowmane


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(19:28:08) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: Can people be capable of making a pony character WHO IS NOT FUCKING IN TIGHT WITH THE PRINCESSES OR BOYFRIEND TO THE MANE 6?

(19:30:29) [*](Dracail): Mine is not, and does. The "White Tyrant" is in fact NOT a tyrant. Its the normal Celestia. His perceptions are just REALLY screwed up. And he WORKED for Princess Luna, and even in my setting its not known whether or not she even remembers him. He doesnt even look the same anymore, and that was over 1000 years ago))

(16:41:05) [*](Shadowmane): Shadowmane, former personal agent/student to Princess Luna (think something like Twili is for Tia). It was shortly after his parents death that the first NM event transpired. His loyalty, and unspoken love, for his mistress drove him to gather his own 5 friends and collect the fabled Elements of Harmony, in order to overthrow the White Tyrant and free his mistress, bringing about eternal night. Succeeding in gathering the Elements, the 6 tried to use them, channeling their power through Shadowmane... when it was over, there was only one left....

(16:43:39) [*](Shadowmane): Actually it makes sense... Given that there would be less ponies active at night, it would only be natural for Luna to know those few, especially those in Canterlot, personally.

 (16:46:06) [*](Shadowmane): Shadowmane merely tried to do something nearly identically to what Twili and the Mane Six did. Merely reversing the situation. Feeling that Celestia had overstepped her bounds when she tossed NM away and threw out the key. Given that he isn't exactly impartial, it would only be natural that he would side with NM.... And as for the love bit, I never said Luna was aware, or even returned the feelings.

(16:51:46) [*](Shadowmane): Yeah, but as I said Rivus, Shadowmane was TOO close to Luna to see/admit that NM was evil/crazy/what have you. He merely decided that Celest had hurt Luna, and that was too fucking far in his mind.

(16:55:41) [*](Shadowmane): In the end, with Shadowmane's friends all gone, and he himself forever changed, he left Equestria to wander the dark paths, going to other places/worlds (thus why he appears here!) and seeks to gather allies and power, not realizing just how long it has been, or that there was even a second NM incident... You know Ive always wanted to do an RP where he comes back, only to find that NM is 'dead' as it were, and that the Mane Six 'killed' her. But I cant say I know a group that could run all the needed characters...

(19:32:44) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: Here is my mentality for making a pony character, for what its worth: Imagine they were actually in the show. Do they fit, or would they stand out like a sore hoof?
(19:33:27) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: Shadow Mane, an insane, millennia old hopeless romantic who is in love with Nightmare Moon? Is he all black with red eyes? That would stick out. A lot.

 (19:36:14) [*](Dracail): Yes, yes Shadowmane would stand out a lot. Its part of who he is supposed to be... I actually believe he COULD fit into the show, he would be a season opener and/or closer villain.))

(19:37:27) [*](The_Rivus's): (Dra, the show is supposed to be fun, you guy would make into just another emo drama. I dislike emo drama, it's why i like MLP in the first place)
(19:39:02) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: I don't know any villains who are quite like Shadowmane. Kind of what Rivus said, his story doesn't seem to quite fit. And I guess I have a problem with the sort of self-importance that is on Shadowmane.
(19:39:41) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: Maybe for a particular RP with a story, this would be great. You know, giving a villian for ther other players to interact with, taking liberties with the show. But as a long running character, someone more fitting to being a pony would work better
(19:41:32) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: I just see like a million people who RP former lovers to Celestia and Luna, tragic back stories on why Luna is an innocent little flower and Celestia is an evil tyrant, anti-heroes, dead parents, red and black color schemes, gods that over power either princesses and the mane 6
(19:41:50) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: They get tiring. I always want to ask "Who the fuck are you, and why do you think you are so important?"

 (19:45:04) [*](Dracail): Hmm... Your point may be valid Rivus... But I saw Shadowmane more as the misguided, awestruck fool than a true villain. Similar in concept to Nightmare Moon. He went more than a little crazy when trying to harness the power of the elements, as in truth he wanted the power not to free Luna, but to be her hero, hoping he would notice her. His motive was selfish, which was part of the cause of his groups failure. That and the fact that he wasnt the only selfish one there. Now, as for a character to constantly interact with the cast of MLP, FUCK NO. He wasnt made for that. He was made to interact with NON-PONIES, or ponies outside of the bounds of Equestria. IN Equestria? He is a one, MAYBE two story character at best. After that he would either be dead, or radically changed.))

(19:48:24) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: Still, Dracail, his story reads like it would fit better in ... say ... Naturo? A story that is suited toward tragic back stories like that
(19:48:51) [*]Vulpes_Proeliator: Using it in ponies is like having the cast of Glee preform Hamlet. 

(19:49:40) [*](Dracail): Hmm... I see your point. ))
(19:55:24) [*](Dracail): Once more I look to the canon example of Nightmare Moon. Luna was dismissed in general because people preferred to awake during the day. She took in dark powers in order to gain control so that people would have to appreciate her (at least, that is what it always sounded like to me) Abusing her powers for her selfish desires. As I said, I see Shadowmane as something similar. (Wonders if the parts about his parent's death is casting a more emo tone to the character. It wasnt meant to. They died of natural causes, old age. The timing was just coincidence.) He tried to steal the power of the Elements to make Luna take notice of him, because he didn't have the courage to do it before the first NM event. ))

(19:59:52) [*](The_Rivus's): (Just more self important fluff to just make him more of a special character, the fact is you are making him akin to the princess's which is nae impossible. The simple fact is you want your character to be more special then anymore else by taking im and putting him through a story that shares a resemblance to some characters that are just poorly written. If you want a serious character, make one, but I can promise you no one but sub-group Rpers are even going to touch that character. You basicly break all bounds that surround all others to make yours above all but two god like characters. That raise both the sun and moon. So, you are basicly trying to make a god and say it has meaning. Merely to have some say that yours is indeed, special)

(20:11:17) [*](Dracail): But the fact of the matter is that his story is similar. He is NOT a god, or even god-like. Even now, nearly 1000 years after the events that made him into something else, he doesn't have even close to the power to take on Celestia. Nor does he have a catalyst or a power source to call upon like the Changling Queen that could put him close to being on par with the Alicorn Sisters. He might be able to take on average unicorns, but its mostly experience. His appearance is made to make him look like them yes, but its the looks, and even that is entirely a crafting of magic. A trick to make him seem to be a rival. Nobody would follow an average unicorn in a revolt against Celestia, but they might follow someone who APPEARS to be as powerful as Nightmare Moon herself. His actual power is probably on par with Twili's AT BEST. He just knows more about magic and thus how to utilize it better. He may have become ageless when he tried to steal the power of the EoH, but he isn't a god nor even immortal. Evil is after all, prone to using trickery when it cant actually beat good. (Citing both Discord and the Changling Queen, both of whom knew they could never win a straight up fight without trickery)

(20:13:59) [*](The_Rivus's): (Dra, not a single word of that made any sense. He's agless, but not immortal. He isn't that strong but he really is. Heck i'm about to look up teh elements of harmony and see if they were even usable when he was around)

 (20:14:56) [*](Dracail): Immortals cant be killed. Ageless being just dont age anymore. He isnt that powerful, he makes it LOOK like he is))

(20:17:07) [*](The_Rivus's): (Yea, you're story makes no sense as Celestia uses the elements to banish NM, which means your guy would have to take them before hand to even use them, which means he would have to defeat celestia to do that anyway, and in order to even use the elements you have to embody the element, if he was going to use them against that, which is apparently his selfish nature, they wouldnt have worked._
(20:17:26) [*](The_Rivus's): (If people are going to make characters, a good fact check would be nice)

 (20:26:58) [*](Dracail): His group originally stole the elements AFTER the NM event. As for the part about needing to embody the Element which you wish to use, we dont have any hard facts on that one. We KNOW that they were once physical things, when Celestia used them on NM. We know they because something less physical and more primal at somepoint after that. As seen when the stones were broken, but they were quickly changed into new form after Twili figured out the last needed Element, one that was never represented as a stone. It is possible that they could have been stolen at some point, at which point when they were recovered that it was Celestia that made the changes to them that would eventually allow Twili and the rest to bind with them. However, you are right, there isnt anyway to say that it was possible for certain. Its all conjecture and perception. Fact remains that the char needs a LOT of work, but I'm still not sure how to make the changes without destroying the core concepts for it... ))


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