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[Y] Fellis


Played by Height
CreatedMar20/14 17:19:38Weight
ModifiedMar20/14 17:19:38Eyes
Western ZodiacSpeciesDragon
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)
GenderfemaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur TextureFur on scale
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[Y] History

Oh, your average dragon, born from an egg, nothing really special. For a while she was worshipped as a god, as is usual with dragons in china, who knows why, but it was nice for the most part, and then it wasn't, by that I mean it got boring, thusly she decided to leave that place and its delusional people, for a fun adventure.

[Y] About
Your usual dragon, got breath powers, I suppose my breath powers are quite interesting, of course I have the usual fire breath, that's a given, I'm pretty sure if a dragon doesn't have such a basic defense they're a shitty dragon and should go to a dragonologist and get their shit fixed, but yea, the other breath power I have come to develop as being worshiped as a god became progressively more boring, is to make inanimate objects come to life. I literally breathe life into things, it's pretty fun, seriously, I'm a blast at parties. *Update* She couldn't control the actions of the objects until recently, after much practice, control is indeed possible! *Up2xdate* I suppose I should write this here, she isn't super strong or anything, but she uses magic to fly, and this magic can be transferred to whatever she picks up making it/the individual extremely light.
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