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[Y] Enie


Played by Height
CreatedApr24/13 12:03:56Weight
ModifiedMay18/13 07:07:59Eyes
Western ZodiacSpeciesSnake/Panda
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)
GenderhermFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur Texture
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History




The Red Queen, Redd Heart, one of the most imaginative individuals in all of Wonderland. Some say more imaginative than her sister, of course that can’t be true, can it? Well she certainly managed one feat that is… well… unimaginable.

10 years before the fall of the White Queen, Genevieve Heart, in the dark depths of the castle in the chessboards desert, Redd Heart paced back and forth, once again ranting and raving about how she will one day destroy her sister and take over all of Wonderland, the crystal heart, will be hers. For now however she was content in doing things with her imagination never attempted by the common folk, not even Queen Genevieve(don’t let Redd hear me calling her that, she’d be livid…), and today she set off to create, something new, people had made false images of themselves, temporary living things, but today, she wanted to make a permanent creature, the perfect killing machine, sure The Cat was a great assassin, but she wanted someone slightly subtler.

She needed something smart, quick on their feet, and deadly, an animal, of course, she liked the theme, and decided she’d keep it. A fox, of course, they’re very agile, and intelligent, surely given human notions would make them more so, they’re not exactly the deadliest of creatures however… she wanted a low creature, a representation of evil… a snake! Perfect, a fox snake hybrid… buuuut well making permanent constructs was really difficult, so she ended up becoming a panda/snake which apparently still worked, even better even as now the creature seemed much more innocent, she didn’t want emotions getting in the way, and she knew that men and women both have their flaws in that department, and so she decided to also give the hybrid both genders so as to maybe even out the balance, it sounded good to her at the time, and so she had it, the perfect killer, and so she began to prepare, for days she meditated, 6 days to be exact, and with a large burst of her imagination a creature was created, just a child, not a baby, but a child. With a mad cackle Redd picked up the girl and turned her over to The Cat, with the instructions to train her to use her assets properly.

So she was trained, she grew to a full size wom- uh… man? Well she had breasts let’s just say woman, regardless she grew at quite the accelerated rate, however once she reached the appearance of a full grown woman the growth seemingly stopped. It was a week before the plan to take down Genevieve, the girl was to go in in the guise of a delivery person, delivering the cat as a failsafe. Having grown at such an exponential speed however caused her mind to undergo many changes, very quickly, which more or less kept her at bay, however once she was fully grown, her own thoughts began to form, this isn’t the life she wanted, and so using all of her very well practiced skills she managed to escape, Redd had no idea. She was far too busy focusing on watching her sister to notice anything amiss. By the time The Cat came to her with the news of the girl’s escape she was in Wonderland and far too difficult to discern from the various life forms in the city.

She came into the city as an immigrant from Borderland, with the interest of joining the Millinery. After some rigorous testing, and training, and background checking, she was found to be clean, and was allowed to not only join, but was told that she’d be a great asset to them due to her quite extensive skills. As every other milliner she was given a beret that folded flat into a throwing blade, two wristbands that opened into spinning blades, the usual millinery overcoat, she also received training with all of the usual weapons the Wonderland army used, such as the AD52, well mostly the AD52 as she found herself loving the concept of the weapon.

Redd’s plan still came to fruition, The Cat infiltrated the palace, and the Monarchy of Queen Genevieve was taken down, and up rose Redd Heart, back into what she felt was her rightful place. Princess Alyss Heart managed to escape into the forest, whether she was alive or not, no one knew. Hatter Madigan was also missing now, and without him, well, not that there was anything he could have done anyway, but the millinery was the new Queen’s first target, not only she disbanded them, but she killed… most of them, some ran, managed to escape, and luckily the girl was one of them, sadly not before Redd discovered she had been there. And so she was chased into the woods, she begged the trees for them to not say anything, and for once, thankfully they listened to her, the soldiers weren’t far behind her however, and then she reached the pool of tears, the place where so many people before her disappeared. She turned to find Redd’s card soldiers had already surrounded her. She fell to her knees and closed her eyes tightly, she knew she couldn’t do anything, yet in her mind she wished as hard as she could that the razor sharp cards from her AD52 would simply take down all of the soldiers that surrounded her, she heard a few large crashes and slashes, and opened her eyes, as she looked around she was astounded to find the entire first rank of the group of soldiers was dead, her eyes widened as she began to look around at who did it, the soldiers simply stared at her in astonishment. Until of course one realized she had stopped using her imagination to attack them.

“IT WAS JUST A FLUKE!!! ADVANCE!!!!” And so the soldiers rushed her, with nowhere to go she jumped into the lake of tears. Down she went into the lake, down and down, it seemed as though the lake had no end, suddenly it seemed as though the gravity shifted and she began moving upwards. FWOOM!! Out she came from a puddle in the middle of a street, that she later came to find was in London, and she ran, using the tools at her disposal, namely the millinery weapons she had with her, she built herself an underground house in the middle of a very vast forest, she couldn’t help but wonder whether or not anyone noticed random trees falling. After weeks, and many nightmares of the day where she almost died, something began to strike her as strange, her dreams were always focused on one scene, where she had been charged by the remaining soldiers… a fluke they had said.

After days of thinking upon it, she came to a conclusion… “it was me, I did it, I made those cards, but how? Wait, I was created by Redd’s imagination, maybe I also got some of her powers,” this excited her, for a moment, and then a frown washed over her face.

“But that means my imagination comes from Black Imagination… does… that mean I’m evil?” She began silently sobbing, for the first time since her creation, she cried and cried until she could do so no longer. Months passed as she remained in this depressed state, not having anyone to console her she stayed in this state, for a very long time. Until one day she awoke feeling energized, no real reason for it, and in her moment of clear mindedness she came to the decision that she would work towards becoming the first good black imagination user, and so she did, focusing on her goal she mastered her imagination, sure she wasn’t exactly pure, as it turns out the black imagination and possibly the excess of hormones due to having both fully functional sexual parts, made her quite the sex craving individual, it also made her somewhat short tempered towards certain types of people, and so she came to fruition as what she is today, eventually she began to look for places where she could make friends, and acquaintances, of course save for the people she used to take out her sexual frustrations on. 

[Y] About
She usually wanders about without any sort of clothing on, save for her trusty beret, all of her millinery gear is locked nice and safely in her house. Her imagination is very well trained so don't be surprised by random events happening during your interactions with her.
The cute Panda isnt so bad ^_^
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