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[Y] Artie


Played by Height6'5
CreatedApr12/14 21:31:03Weight150
ModifiedApr12/14 21:31:03EyesEmerald
Western ZodiaccapricornSpeciesArcanine
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Orange, Black
GenderfemaleFur PatternStriped
OrientationhomosexualFur TextureOrange & Black
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[Y] History
A long time ago, there was a pup that was born from a mother Arcanine, he was the only sibling to have survived because during the time of birth of his siblings another male Arcanine decided to fight for the rights of being Alpha of their Pack, and when the younger male had defeated his older father, his siblings had been killed as a result to that motion though he was the only survivor for his mother had told him to run for his life, to leave the volcanic planes before it was too late. Lost and alone the young Growlith wandered the realm until one day he was caught by a Pokemon trainer, and then was taken upon many adventures, but most of his life was spent in the high class mansion in which had brought him up rather well, raising him to be a fat happy pup until one day his master had come with a Firestone and waved it over him, and thus the transformation happened and the young pup had evolved into a large Arcanine with powerful jaws, and strong hansom body. The young companions had a long healthy life together, but then there came a sad day when his master had fallen terribly ill, and thus he stayed in bed most of the time, not having time for the young Arcanine,one day had come though when the young Arcanine never saw his master again, because the illness had gotten severe and had passed away. Now alone the young Arcanine was then inherited by the young son of his old master, being the caring loving guardian of his master's son not allowing anyone to harm him or cause him pain, his honor was protecting his master's young son who was growing up before his very eyes, the one thing he feared though was time. 
[Y] Relationships
Single and Looking for Long Term Relationship/long distance (US preferred)
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green