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[Y] Yoshish Devon

Yoshish Devon

Played by Height5' 6"
CreatedSep6/13 18:56:20Weight165 lbs
ModifiedSep8/13 09:12:40EyesGreen
Western ZodiacSpeciesRed Fox
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Red
GendermaleFur PatternBlack Pads and white belly
OrientationhomosexualFur TextureSoft
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[Y] History

Devon’s life as a fox started before he was born in Japan. He was the second child of his parents, but only a month after his conception they found that his mother had developed a virulent cancer. After some talking his parents decided to undergo the *Splicing Process* to cure her.

[The *Splicing Process* is taking and splicing Animal DNA with Human DNA to create a hybrid. It will in the process will repair damage, regenerate missing organs and body parts and cure most diseases. The only drawback is tends to remove most memories.]

His parents debated about it, his mother decided it was best for her unborn child, she would sacrifice he memories for him. As he had no “Memories it had no real effect on him. He was born healthy and had a happy childhood until the 8th grade.

Being one of only 2 furs in his school, the two of them became good friends. They friendship turned into love until the two of them “Came out of the Closet”. The both of them were “Horribly Abused” by their classmates. While Devon had the help of his father’s shrink his friend did not do so well and weeks later he overdosed on some prescription and sleeping pills. After all of that Devon’s father decided to move the US to take a position in his company that opened up there.

Here he attended Janet Reno High School. Here he actually had a girlfriend for awhile, but found he was more interested in the Football Team. He also had the problem of being a geek; it took a year of weekly swirlies and doing the jocks homework before he started to be accepted.

He is now in collage getting his degrees in Engineering and Robotics.

[Y] Interests

Boys, Bois and Men.

[Y] Dislikes

Abusive people.

[Y] About
He is now in collage getting his degrees in Engineering and Robotics.
[Y] Relationships

None currently

[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green