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[Y] Soku


Played by Height5' 3"
CreatedAug22/13 06:55:41Weight100 lbs
ModifiedAug22/13 07:35:47EyesGreen
BirthdayHairBlack and long
Western ZodiacSpeciesCat Boi
SexMaleFur Colour(s)white
GenderMaleFur Patternlight grey stripes
OrientationSpecies and Gender UnimportantFur Texturesoft
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[Y] History

Is the son of the Generals of the Imperial Armies. He has grown up in a life of both political intrigue and leisure. He is now out to see the world.

[Y] Interests

I like things that are beautiful and elegant.

Fine food, cloths and room service.

Making new friends.

[Y] Dislikes

Crass things, loud obnoxious people.

Dirt and bugs

[Y] About

Is a diplomat and courtier. He dresses in traditional courtly robes, wooden shoes and wears a Wakizashi at his hip. He also has long fingernails on his left hand, usually painted jade green.

[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green