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[Y] Snow


Played by Height5' 8"
CreatedSep9/13 16:19:33Weight100lbs
ModifiedSep24/13 12:00:50EyesBright Blue
Western ZodiacSpeciesFox
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Pure White
GenderfemaleFur PatternBlack parts on her nose, ears and tail
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft
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[Y] History

She was born to a lesser noble in her native land. She was named Snow because of her almost pure white fur, even year round. She early found she enjoyed two things, Dancing and Adventure. Her early life was spent learning all of the things a good little noble’s child should do.

However her sense of adventure really was her diving force. As a young pup one of the things she liked to do was sneak into the local caverns and just spent hours watching a large dragon that lived in the local coal mine. Years later she found out the dragon knew she was there all the time and found her amusing.

Early in her adventuring carrier she found two things, one a magical Batliff and the other was a musical recorder that can unweave any enchantment.

She spent a few years adventuring before she encountered her greatest threat, a Titan. She and her party defeated it, but she was cursed with its dying breath.

[Y] Interests

She loves to dance and is a bit of a hedonist. She really does not like to wear any more clothing than is required for the situation.

She is a cloths horse though, she loves nothing more some days just shopping and trying on new cloths.

[Y] Dislikes

Ugly people, not in the ways of looks, but in their actions.

[Y] About

[The Curse: She is cursed to have horrid nightmares, these usually end with her being eaten, sometimes she is carved up an cooked and others she is swallowed whole.]

Currently she is looking for a good time. She is also working a dance routine involving her gymnastics, dancing skills and her Batliff.

[Y] Relationships
Mate: Winged Wolf
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green