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[Y] Scrounger


Played by Height6' 2"
CreatedAug21/13 13:05:28Weight185lbs
ModifiedAug23/13 07:43:24EyesBlue
BirthdayHairWhite Mane with Black Striples
Western ZodiacSpeciesZebra
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Black
GenderfemaleFur PatternWhite Stipes with a Scull Mask
OrientationStrait, mostlyFur TextureCorse
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[Y] History

She is a wanderer looking for various adventures.

She usually finders herself living in the streets.

[Y] Interests

Finding the next score, though the next score never last long (she is a avid spendthrift).

[Y] About

Scrounger is a Zebra Oracle, almost in the Voodoo Tradition.

Basically I live in one three places:

2073 Seattle: [Human]

Orrin: Fantasy World [Anthro]

Equestria: Before the fall of the Crystal Empire [Pony]

In Human and Anthro forms she were high black boots, blue jeans, tea shirt and long coat covered in coyote furs.

In Pony form she only wears jewelry and a harness of pouches.

[Y] Relationships
Nothing at the moment
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green