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[Y] Londo


Played by Height7' 2"
CreatedAug20/13 08:56:27Weight275lbs
ModifiedSep11/13 14:44:32EyesOne Blue One Green
Western ZodiacSpeciesJackal
SexmaleFur Colour(s)White [usualy covered in soot]
GendermaleFur PatternNone
OrientationGayFur TextureCourse
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[Y] History

He grew up is a small human village were he was picked on for being the only fur in town. His mother was Human and his father was a husky. Early he learned that might makes right. his only real friend was a little girl that like to play fetch with him, he was just a funny talking dog to her. Londo never learned this and had a crush on her, but she married someone else.

He was treated well by only one man, the blacksmith, a big burly man. He was a tough taskmaster, but fair. This is were he learned how enjoy working the forge. The only thing he was better at was fighting. So he took to adventuring.

While he was adventuring he was not the nicest person, the only thing he would not do was hurt women and children.

It was during this time the he had two wives. Both of them however left him when he was away without even a note.

During one adventure he entered a temple of the goddess Neftyss, Set’s Wife. She saw that he actually did not know the difference between good and evil. She made him understand the difference, this changed his life. He now spends his day trying to make up for his past deeds. This however leaves him with horrible nightmares.

Now he travels from place to place setting up shop or brining justice to those who deserve it. his prized possessions are a magical portable house/forge, His Sword, Magical Armor, Decanter of endless oil and his most prize is his Necklace of Neftyss witch gives him a resistance of fire.

He has given up on ever finding a mate, let alone just some kind of relationship with any one. His only real issue that he is starting to loose his sight, but he does not relies this.

So far every woman he as gotten close to him has caused him nothing but pain, including his Goddess. He is actually afraid of women now.

{As I put it once, 10 levels of Fighter, 4 Levels of Paladin and 14 levels of Angst.}




[Y] Interests

I like to spend my time working on my forge.

My favorite thing to do is make toys for children and also make armor and weapons.

I usually work the forge in only my apron and fancy gold and jade necklace.

[Y] Dislikes


People who hurt women and children

[Y] About

He travels from village to village trying to make up for his evil deeds with his magical portable House/Smithy.

Do to his goddess’s making understand that he was once a bad person he now has nightmare about his past bad deeds.

He has a pet Goose named Geb

[Y] Relationships

He has been married twice, but both times they just left him in the middle of the night. This and his Goddess’s turning him from evil and giving him his nightmare he now has a distrust of “Pretty Women”, in fact they scare him now.

Currently he is not involved in one.

He did meet Midnight

[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green