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[Y] Linnda


Played by Height5' 6"
CreatedAug29/13 10:24:12Weight
ModifiedSep13/13 00:17:59Eyesgolden yellow
Western ZodiacSpeciesCollie
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)
GenderfemaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur TextureFuffy
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History
She was created in a lab to be a personal assistant for one of the corporate shareholder. Thee was a problem, she did poorly with her schooling. After some testing they found she was almost retarded in her metal faculties. They took in and added both cybernetic and bio-engineered implants to her to improve her IQ. This only made the problem worse. She had no ability to focus; she was constantly doodling on various things and at times would just run around touching everything. So they gave her to an executive as a plaything. This one spent many hours talking to her and found out she was actually very smart, to smart. She tried to help her but the damage was done; besides Linda was happy in her bliss. Her former master has let her free to go be herself.
[Y] Interests

Everything, she likes new stimuli what ever that may be.

She also loves to go to the park and just be a dog and do dog thing like chase squirrels and play fetch.

She loves to dance, but could not to save her life. 

As far as sex, she counts that as new Stimuli.

She is also into Puppy Play and Bondage.

[Y] Dislikes

Violence for Violence Sake.

People who are mean to her for no reason.

[Y] About

She is usually perky and friendly to everyone.

She is incredibly intelligent [IQ 186 augmented to about 263], cut completely unfocused.

[Y] Relationships

She would love to find a kind master, but she could like an harsh master.

She has also has had a Litter (Yes she is a MILF)

Kiralana Bass Bunny: Mistress!

[Zero Koranamy]
Kiralana- I miss my pet where is my little Linnda Collie
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green