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[Y] Characters
[Y] Ruth LotusRaven (onced known as Mika )

Ruth LotusRaven (onced known as Mika )

Played by Height5"9
CreatedNov8/13 22:03:44Weight180-170
ModifiedNov8/13 22:03:44Eyesbrown&green
BirthdayJan2/95Hairsoft crly brownred,black
Western ZodiaccapricornSpeciesraccoon
SexhermFur Colour(s)redbrown ,gray ,black
GenderfemaleFur Patternswirls and stripes
OrientationpansexualFur Texturesoft and fluffy
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[Y] History

Mika is from an ancient and proud tride that has for years been hidden in its old way by magic. Mika at this time was scouting the land round the village, collecting fire wood for the celebration of her coming of age when she found an old cave; out of an untold reason she interd feeling drawn to it. as she traveled deeper into the cave where she could no longer see the light of the out side. she herd  "MIKA! " a voice called her body stiffen at the  call of her name . Mika did not move for she felt a warm wind caress her body as an orange light radiated off her flesh . at that moment her body colapsed and her vison ternd dark and in her last glimps of sight she saw an sliver ringed tail that she had never seen. when Mika was conscious once more she was no longer in the cave but back in her village and was surounded not by chearful faces of celebration but face of horror and reget. shouts of death and banishment rang outside of her tent. the ealders sat aroung her dicusing amugst them selves what to do with her "the one who enterd the sacred cave of our ansesters should perish!" one of them said "no! the spiret did not kill her so what right do we have to do such a thing. "said another, "he is right, no one has ever come out of that cave alive let alone in one peace." " true but she broke one of our most sacerd rules!" the leader of the elders rouse from where he sat "there is no other option then, she must be banished and striped of her name"he said as he left the tent. as they left mika wept for the lonly fait that awaited her soon and the loss of the only home she ever knew. that night she was striped of all her things and thrown out of her ten when she reached the center of the village lookes around the preoprations for the day were distroyed no reminices of the day was left only shreds soon she reached the barrier of the villiage and was pushed out with nothing and no way back and no name to remimber  at that moment a warm wind wraped around her a name wisperd in her ear and that name was "Ruth ...Lotus.....Raven" and in that moment her new name her true name was given. Ruth woke up tears roleing down her face of a memories from long ago. light stream in throw her window five years have past sesnce that day.

[Y] Interests
ruth likes learning odd things and new spells, she likes meeting new people and lerning there birthdays. ruth likes openminded people with openions and watermelons and redvelvelvet cake
[Y] Dislikes
Ruth hates lies, people who push there belifes on others and twinkies 
[Y] About
Ruth (once known as mika) she is a mystic or shaman, she was banished from her villages at the age of thirteen and from there wonderd around and met alot of differnt people during her time she lives alone and travels alone she is serching for her other half and life partner
[Y] Relationships
her best friend is a Danae a tiger furry who can always find Ruth no matter where she is along with Danaes boyfriend a dragon furry who Ruth calls shorty for fun
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green