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[Y] Characters
[Y] Alex Seritonik Lorinis

Alex Seritonik Lorinis

Played by Height5'4"
CreatedNov23/08 15:52:40Weight155
ModifiedNov23/08 15:52:40EyesAmber
BirthdayAug24/85HairBlack with blond highlights
Western ZodiacvirgoSpeciesSnow Leopard
SexFur Colour(s)White, grey, black Rossets
GenderFur PatternTawny fur Sprinkled with Rossettas
OrientationFur Texture
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[Y] History

     Born into the dieing colony of Seriferia Alexo was only a cub as his homeworld fell. The escape ships as the world burned fled to the Distant areas of space. After making a new home Alex grew up with his foster clan taking care of him and despite their attempts to keep the past away from him Alexo discovered how his clan had fought and held to get him and millions of others away from the Planet. Alexo then joined the Royal Guard to gain the presitge of his lost clan and family.

     After joining the royal guards Alex would gain the admiration of a young snow tiger named Rrrinotin Jaed who would introduce the young snow leopard to love and make him his pet. How ever his loving master had no issue with Sharing Alex as this was the best way to let his pet both be happy and learn new tricks for his masters pleasure.


[Y] Interests

He likes wrestling, practice bouts and being yiffed. He is very happy when being told what to do (Specially with his tail and rump) how ever he is a switch.


Interest include scientific endevors, exploration,  Spelunking, having a general fun time.

[Y] Dislikes
Uhm......... Nothing really. Depends on mood.
[Y] Relationships
Master: Collared by Loritonis Jaed
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green