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[Y] Characters
[Y] LinnDrider


Played by Height9'4"
CreatedApr15/13 22:57:49WeightDon't ask
ModifiedApr15/13 22:57:49EyesViolet
Western ZodiacleoSpeciesSpiderTaur
SexhermFur Colour(s)Black
GenderfemaleFur Pattern
OrientationLesbianFur TextureFUZZY!
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[Y] About
A form that Aislinn can take because she ate a ditto and stole it's power! Or not..perhaps it's just because I can make a character and you can deal with it :3 As a spidertaur, Aislinn stands just over nine feet tall when holding herself up by her legs. She usually sits at around six feet when resting on her spidery rear. She has a human looking body from the waist up. She has pale, smooth skin and her spider half is covered in black fuzzy hairs. She generally keeps her hair tied up in a red ponytail with a few loose bangs. Her spidery body has markings on it similar to a black widow, but she clearly isn't one...and in fact may have painted the markings on herself just for added aesthetics. She has small fangs in her mouth, but doesn't typically bite. When lounging around the tavern, you may find her just hanging off a web strand connected to a ceiling rafter. She's extremely friendly and rather likes to talk.
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Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green