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[Y] Ember Skai

Ember Skai

Played by Height3'
CreatedAug28/08 16:26:18Weight
ModifiedAug29/08 08:01:40EyesDark and bright at different times, her almond shaped eyes turned up at the outer edges from the deep black of her fur, at most times a dark burnt orange color with flecks of gold smattering the irises, resembling dark embers in the aftermath of a fire. T
BirthdayHairBlack pin straight hair cut short in the back and longer in the front, often covering her eyes.
Western ZodiacSpeciesAsian Palm Civet
SexFemaleFur Colour(s)Black-grey
GenderFemaleFur PatternBlack fur that can get a little rough looking, but she works hard at keeping it brushed and groomed smooth and silky. Dark grey around her eyes and down her nose, all four paws this same dark grey. Shades of grey and white spotting at the base of her tail
OrientationStraightFur Texturesleek/smooth
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[Y] History
She had grown up in your average typical suburban town, parents that worked, everyone knew each other. Well, each other's business at the least, you know how that goes. She was an intelligent and intense student, who had kept much to herself. She had a few close friends, but they were like her, they didn't need to be hanging out or going to the mall or anything like that all the time. She had been preparing for college early and had been engrossed in her work, waiting upon her parents to get home from their respective jobs.

She had lost track of time and between listening to her mp3 player and her homework, she hadn't noticed how late it was getting, or the loud sirens that were blaring from somewhere across town. Something had happened at the labs and something had escaped into the town. Unbeknownst to her, what had escaped had found it's way to her house and inside. It found her alone and had attacked her.

It took many things from her that evening, and had changed her noticeably. Long story short, she became attached to this being and in classic Stockholm Syndrome style, ran away with it.
[Y] Relationships
Has dominant male pet, Aki.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green