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[Y] Skitty Mays

Skitty Mays

Played by Height5'5
CreatedFeb20/14 18:59:57Weight
ModifiedFeb20/14 18:59:57EyesHazel
BirthdayHairDark brown
AgeNationalityAsian but grew up in America
Western ZodiacSpeciesDog
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)White
GenderfemaleFur PatternBrown dots
OrientationbisexualFur Texture
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[Y] History
[Y] Interests

She likes being kind to others and care for animals she works at a pet store since she loves animals a whole lot.

She takes care and babysits animals and love to be kind to others. 

[Y] Dislikes
She's extremely shy and is afriad of people most of the times especially dragons.She isn't racist its just she had a bad past with them once.She hates when people abuses her poor animals . She's scared of stages and to be preforming in one it makes her feel hopeless and people judging her
[Y] About
She's very shy at first but when you get to know her she'll be very close to you since she doesn't have much friends of you count animals as one make it many
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green
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