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[Y] Furry Art > Search
858 galleries 4953 images 2130 yiffy 2823 tame
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Showing results 4521 - 4540 of 4960.<< < 1 ... 221 222 223 224 225 226  227  228 229 230 231 ... 248 > >> 
Karasu's fursona
Just Karasu's fursona drawn a year ago
This is a picture drew during my depression time... actually quite far from perfect but not that bad :)
Dawggie sketch
It's another quick picture I drew for practise...
My fursona
This is my fursona picture I drew about 2 years ago... that time my style wasn't quite developed yet... actually it was the beginning of my "art career" XD hehe
This is a quick picture I made for my friend... The bubble says: "Likesh meh?"
this is very basic nothing compared to others on the website if you see this image on a any bebo, myspace, etc page please contact me straight away! i do not want it on any other website but this.
My Fursona Benjamin
Silnat as HaruhiSuzumiya it's one of my faves animes.
Samira nude
She is my herm fursona.
my avatar
this is my avatar that i use
Threesome Pee
Ever heard the expression "bite off more then you can chew?" Well that certainly applies to this drawing! I've started this one a long time ago and only reciently been able to go back and finish coloring it. I love how the background turned out, dune deserts being part of the oryx's habitat. I'm also pleased with the realism in the urine pool and how the background serves to pop out those streams, which includes a clear one that would be invisible against a plain white b...
This is Art
An artist made this (Loving Warhol parody featuring Orphellia, a character of mine)
Seed Canyon
A yiff I made featuring a pronghorn furry. Theme is of course pawing, and I've been doing selective coloring again :3 I gave the name of this one "Seed Canyon" because the washed out background is inspired by Slot Canyon in Arizona and it's white-ish look kind of matches the spoo. Enjoy!
Mein Führer! I can fly!
This is another drawing class assignment, one where we were supposed to do a "narrative portrait"... the narrative part of course giving the go-ahead to be as surreal as possible. The title of the piece relates to the class's bafflement that, amoung other things, I've decided to turn gravity off for the purpose of this drawing. The title also alludes to the inclusion of Dr. Strangelove, which symbolises the influence movies have on my art (I'm a Kubrick fan in particu...
I Support Necromancy
Heh, Furtopian Narei Mooncat asked me to draw him up a signature for another forum he frequents. There he's known for resurecting dead threads and wanted me to depict him in some necromancer's garb. When made into a signature, it'll have the caption "Lord and Master of Undead Topics." So here we have Narei the great necromancer leading a giant horde of zombie furs! FUN! :D braaaaaaainnnns... I want that staff too...
Rimpala del Gaio II
You know, I don't do enough drawings of my fursona... so I've went ahead and did a self portrait of my alter ego. Even though I was going for something that shows some kind of nobility, I've decided that drawing me in my usual Egyptian theme would be too expected. Therefore I've tried to mimic portrait painting of the High Itallian Renaissance... several obvious cues taken from the Mona Lisa in particular. Small bits and pieces has meaning in the piece, the ankh of cour...
The Look in Your Eyes
This is a drawing requested some time ago by Wolfling , of her and her boy Murphy Title and inspiration for the piece comes from the lyrics of Stigmata by Ministry: "Stronger then Reason, stronger then Id, the only truth I know, is the look in your eyyyeeesss..." And the coloring of the piece was inspired by upcoming comicbook movie 300. Yup, a romantic drawing inspired by industrial metal and graphic novels, what else would you expect.
It's kind of strange how this idea came about. I had a furry named Lainenyah selected for an Adult Art Exchane on Furtopia, and Lainenyah is a hybrid furry... one species being squirrel monkey. So, I started looking up squirrel monkies on the internet, and starting thinking "Hey that dark fur patch on their heads makes them look like Bella Lugosi..." So volla! Lainenyah the vampiress! Mwaha! Rest of the piece was inspired by a song by Front Line Assembly (that I can't r...
Step Right Up
Inspired by the song "Anal Staircase" by Coil, this is mainly a bit of more practice with combining markers and pencils and using a limited palette... here it's red, black, white, grey, and light brown. The piece was also inspired by the fear of roller coasters and other amusement park rides people sometimes have. Er, not me of course, I love roller coasters hehe, but I do know people that hate them, like my mom. Anyways, my goal was to create a "ride" that nobody ...
Hathor Dances
so here we have Hathor doing what she does best. Against a beautiful Sahara sunset. Color and value plays a key role in this of course, most of the drawing is earth-toned and sepia toned with heavy shadows... another piece inspired by the movie 300, which I saw and loved. Only break in the color is some blue and green here and there, especialy in her fabric, which is ment to complement the dunes in the background. I also like her face here then the last Hathor drawing I did... it's much ...
Showing results 4521 - 4540 of 4960.<< < 1 ... 221 222 223 224 225 226  227  228 229 230 231 ... 248 > >> 
[Y] Statistics
464 Male Solo 731 Female Solo 387 Gay 144 Lesbian 531 Straight 266 Other 2436 N/A 464 Male Solo 731 Female Solo 387 Gay 144 Lesbian 531 Straight 266 Other 2436 N/A 2087 G 361 PG 346 14A 1104 18A 1061 R 2087 G 361 PG 346 14A 1104 18A 1061 R